A boy that eat's lots of candy

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There was once a boy named Bill and was 5 years old . His dad always bought him candy every day after work. Then he had a mom and then he had a dog.Then he would always give the dog his food he does not like. Like his vegetables.His dad and mom did not know.But something would always make the dog puke at night. But he ate it.

The next week he had his first day of kindergarten so then the last night the kid put candy that his dad gave him that night. Then he went to school. And ate candy in the middle of the class and got so hyper then he picked up a sharp thumbtack from the teacher desk then he throw the thumbtack at a girl then hit her in her eye. Then she had to go to the E.R.Then the teacher called Bill's parents. Then the next day he did not bring candy because his dad didn't buy him candy no more.So then when his mom dropped him at school . After his mom left he went to a candy factory that his friend told him about . So Bill went to the candy factory and his friend went with him.Then when he seen it he ran inside then said "oh I forgot my money". So then Bill Forgot his money then he got mad . But found a dime in his pocket . Then the man said"you can look around".So he did. But found some candy that he loved. Then the man said "do you see anything you like".then he said "yes"."But I only have a dime. But the man took the dime then said"this is not just a dime it's a 1913 dime so I will take this for this little box of candy".Then Bill said"ok" ?Then he went home.

But his mom or dad did not know that he mist school so it was1:23 but school end at 3:00 so he was to early.So then Bill's parents said"why are you home early then Bill said "what time is it" then the parents said"why but it's 1:25 then he was like because we had a fire at school and we had to leave.And bill said they also called you both on your phone.Then Bills parent called Bill teacher and said "was there a fire today at school" then his teacher said"no we did not and also why was Bill not here today". "Well i did take Bill to school today."And he also said that there was a fire today"."I think he lied to you then". "I think he did".

So the mom told the dad what happen on the phone with the teacher. Then talked to Bill. He got in trouble.But Bill did not tell them were he went. So they did not care no more.So then after dinner he went to his room and then got the candy box, and then opened the box . But there was only a small piece of candy in the box. But Bill still ate that candy. Then in the morning he got ready for school.And put some hairspray on and then some of the hairspray went in his mouth .Then it tasted like that candy he ate yesterday.

Then he ate a pancake and it also tasted like that candy to.Then he went to school and told his friend that went to the candy factory with him.Then he ate lunch it also tasted like that candy. So then he told told his mom and then she took him to the doctor .But the doctor said he was fine.But he was not ok.Everything he ate tasted like that candy.

Then 4 weeks later Bill stopped eating candy,and was a better kid.But every thing he eats still tasted like candy so in 2 weeks Bill had a other doctor appointment with a better doctor. But was very far a way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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