Bloody Feathers

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WARNING ⚠ This containes ALOT OF WRITTEN GORE Pls do not read if under 13 or are easily disturbed
Bri's Pov

I was sitting in Ashborn in my cubby hole in the "great tree" in the center of town. I'm reading when I hear deven yelling for me I hear fear in his voice

"BRI c...come down!!!!"
I open the door to my little cubby and Glide to the base of the tree I see deven there with rian, Austin and ....... her

"Hello sweety how have you been!"
She says in a obvious fake cheery voice
I can hear my heart pounding in my ears as I answer
"I've been fine"

My hands start to shake

"Good good Um boys can we talk in private" she says directed at Ryan and Austin
I shake my head no behind her back but both never see and say
" sure see you in a bit Bri, devin byeeeee!!"
Me and devin are  now alone with..... Her
Its not even 3 seconds of them being gone when I feel a sharp pain at the side of my head and every thing goes black

Flash back/dream state
Still bri's Pov but she is 6 at this time
I wake up to hear fighting down stairs between mommy and someone I don't know it's a man but I just hear the door slam I get up and walk down stairs and see mom at the basement door
*Oh no not again she is angry and needs something to hit*
"Down you go you little bi**h"
She screams as she kicks me down the steps I hit the bottom whimpering as my tail and ears come out
*no no no no no mommy doesn't like it when she sees my wolf parts!!*
My wings come out as well still pretty torn and raged from the last time and still bleeding I realise I start to cry from the pain as I strip down to my underwear and go to the corner and sit with my wings droped to the floor then I hear her say something I will never forget
"Lets finally get rid of all the extra parts shall we!!!"
I instantly feel a sharp pain in my right wings joint as she starts to cut it off. I scream in pain as she just starts to hack away than every thing is black.

Time skip (this is still in the flash back deven is 4 and btw him and Bri are half siblings in this)

I wake up on my bed with devin next to me crying my back hurts like hell and so does everything else than I see devin and I realise his ears....there gone
I start to cry for him and less for me he's younger than me by 2 years so I consider him my baby he looks up and cry's
And hugs me witch I find hurts alot I shout in pain and he instantly let's go as he also layed his head on me and it hurt his ear or rather the spot we're his ear used to be he starts crying and I realise she cut off tails too. (Devin had 3 wolf tails surrounding his demon one she didn't cut off the demon one only the wolf ones)
Along with my wings ears and tail as well. she has mangled us ....I just can't take it and start sobbing I pick him up careful not to touch his head or tail stumps and just hug him as we cry
End of flash back
Deven's Pov
I wake up in some kind of basement to the sound of screaming I try to move but find my hands and neck are chained behind me and I seem to be gaged then I feel it wet blood on my head and tail area I feel weak and I want to scream as the pain from both locations is almost unbearable then I look over and see ... Bri her wolf ears are also cut off and I see her cuting off her tail as she's screaming in pain I try to pull free of the wall but to no avail and just start to sob as I see my sis being torn to bits by the thing that birthed us I watch in horror as she finishes and throws the tail to the side she stands up and puts bri's gag back in her mouth. she starts to walk towards the door witch is right next to me I see the key chain on her waist. i see it's loose and pretend to still be unconscious as she walks past and snag it as she walks out of the room I fiddle with the keys and find the one to my hands I am able to get myself out of all of them and run over to Bri I place my hand gently on her shoulder and she flinches away I try to calm her but fail. I see the scars of we're her wings were cut off from all those years ago

*I cant help her in my state I need to get help my wings haven't been touched so I can still fly what's the closest place to here ........mithspire I think....not like I have a choice. her dad is there anyway maybe he will help*

I put the keys next to Bri and slowly walk up the stairs fighting the urge to scream in pain I peek thru the crack of the slightly ajar door and see no one so I open it and quietly step out and hurry to the front door I open it and see her in the front garden I quickly slam it, lock it and run to the back door running outside and with one powerful beat of my wings I'm off then I hear her screaming behind me and I hear something whistle thru the air beside me and then another right thru my wing I feel a sharp pain but i keep going fighting the pain. once im far enough away I make one flap and glide to keep it from hurting and to keep my energy I turn slightly and start to fly in the direction of mithspire careful to only beat my wings when I had to and to just stay gliding

Time skip

I see mithspire but i have a problem I can't land. landing takes flapping and I can't flap that much so I have to settle for a soft crash landing I start to glide down as slow as I can and end up crashing in to the wall to the right of the front door making a large bang as I crash not what I was aiming for but it will do I try to stand up but find that impossible so I try to crawl that doesn't work either I just decide to yell for help witch gets the attention of who ever was inside my vision was getting blurry and I was starting to black out then I see what I think is a person probably Mitch considering he didn't try to kill me the last thing I do before blacking out is say
"Save bri...." Then every thing is dark

1233 words.
To be continued.....

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