17 - Malfoy Manor

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They all stood in the doorway, staring at each other for what felt like minutes, but was only a few seconds

"Um...h-hi Mrs.Malfoy. Thank you for letting me stay for Christmas." Hermione says forcefully as Draco rubs her back in a calming manor

"You are very welcome...please come in." She says, opening the door wider

They follow Narcissa into the kitchen where a house elf was setting the dining table

"Poppy, Draco, and his future wife are here. Make sure everything is ready." She tells her

She probably just didn't want to say my name

"Welcome home, Master. Hello, Master's future wife." Poppy says

Narcissa has busied herself with something while they spoke to Poppy

"This is Hermione Granger...perhaps you know of her." He smiles

Draco has always been kind to Poppy, she would often read him stories when he was a child and tuck him in when his mother was busy.

"Nice to meet you, Poppy." Hermione says happily, leaning down to shake her small hand

"Nice to meet Master's future wife. Poppy knows of Hermione Granger's greatness! Poppy has heard great things of Hermione Granger!" Poppy says excitedly

Narcissa seemed to have fully recovered from the shock of her son's future wife. She had a pleasant smile on her face

"Would anyone like some tea? Perhaps you two are hungry?" She asks the pair

"No, thank you, mother. I think we'll just go and unpack if that's alright with you. Hermione will be staying in my room, as we share a room at Hogwarts." Draco says, pulling Hermione toward the large staircase

"I don't like the idea but I see you're decision is final. Supper is at seven as usual. Don't be late." Narcissa says as they descend the stairs, Hermione closely following Draco as if something were about to grab her

After reaching the top of the stairs, Draco turns left and walks down the long hallway, and enters the second to last room on the right, pulling Hermione in and closing the door quickly

"Merlin. That was so awkward..." Hermione sighs

"Thank goodness she's leaving on Christmas Eve...she will warm up to you. When in doubt we have Poppy to save us." He sighs, walking over and sitting down on the black sheets of his bed

"Draco. Your room is beautiful." She smiles, finally taking in Draco's room

His room was huge, three or four times the size of her childhood room.
His bed was all black with grey pillows to accent with grey curtains hanging over his windows
He also had a full bathroom connected to his room

"Thanks...this is random and off-topic but I've been thinking about it ever since we walked in. Where do you want to live after we leave Hogwarts? We could buy a house or a flat...or use one of our smaller spare houses." Draco asks her nervously

"I figure we should cross that bridge when we come to it. Don't worry about it right now Draco. We should be worrying about the next week we have with your mother." She says, taking a seat next to him on the bed

"You're right, you're right...I'm sorry about her...I'm also sorry that I forgot I only have one bed in my room. I can conjure up a couch for me to sleep on though." He tells her

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