c h a p t e r // one

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                 “Hey, Xenia!”

                 “Hi, Xin!”

            I smile at their greetings and greet them back. It’s a beautiful morning at school, and the first day at that. I’m excited for the new teachers, students... If there are. I spot Kelsey by my locker and she grins brightly at me. We squeal and hug for an eternity when the bell rings, signaling the start of school. We sprint as fast as we can to our assigned classroom. Gawd, and to think our adviser is the strictest one in school. Let’s just say we’re definitely dead meat.

            “Late at first day?”

            We smile sheepishly at Ms. Roberts. “We’re very sorry, ma’am.” I say. Ms. Roberts didn’t say anything back, she just nods sharply. We take our seat in the back row. She then resumes talking. “Today, we have something new in our class. A transferee, Mr. Black, you may come in now.” A gasp resound around the class once they see the new student. He’s gorgeous, I must say, with blonde hair and a fine athletic build.

            “I’m Alec.”

            And that caused a swoon from all the girls in class. I almost laugh at the boys’ eye rolls and pathetic glares. “Ok, Mr. Black. You may take a seat now.”

            Girls start to fix their hair, fill the classroom with the smells of their powder and perfume. Others are batting their eyelashes and whatnot. I share a look with Kelsey and we silently giggle. Instead of giving my attention to the new boy, I focus on my desk, drawing random things on a scrap paper.

            “Is this seat taken?”

            I whip my head to the source of the voice, and find beautiful dazzling irises-a mix of blue and green. I suck in a breath. He continues to stare at me, then suddenly he grins. “Miss, there’s drool on your chin.” He laughs. Apparently, the whole class hears it and laughs along with him. I suddenly feel blood rushing to my face, and I speak. “Obviously, it’s not.”

            He then slumps in the seat next to me, and lazily grins. “Ok then, I’ll be here.” I roll my eyes. Ugh, he’s so irritating. “Whatever.” I mutter. I then focus my attention on Ms. Roberts who starts a lecture on a piece of novel. Wow, first day and we’re already having a lesson.

         * * *

I clench my fists at the dumbass next to me and I give him a glare. He smirks then mouths hi. I frown. He just doesn’t give up, does he? I tear a small piece of paper from my pad, and write the words Stop it will you.

He reads the note I give him, then he turns to me. After that, he grabs my pencil then replies.

What if I don’t want to?

I sigh, then furiously grab my pencil and scribble my reply. You’re so annoying!

            This time, with his own pencil, he writes his reply. Thanks princess I do my best ;)

            I groan frustratingly and bump my head against my desk. “Ms. Jackson, is there a problem?” I raise my head slowly and meet Ms. Robert’s deadly eyes. “N-nothing ma’am.” I sit up straight and my cheeks flush. Just when Ms. Roberts open her mouth, the bell rings, indicating the end of a period. Ms. Roberts then clears her throat and professionally bids a goodbye to the whole class.

            Before Alec can say or add anything more, I grab Kelsey’s hand and together we exit the classroom. “I almost peed there, ya know.” I furrow my eyebrows at Kelsey’s attempt of speaking in British. “Peed? What are you talking about?” I question. She suddenly smiles wickedly. “You know, with you and Alec?” she raises her eyebrows suggestively. If I had water right now, I would have spitted it on her face. Me and Alec? I’d rather not.

            “Come on, Kelsey. He’s not my type.” Alec’s far from my type. I like a boy that is not flat out boastful and is caring and sweet. Alec is totally not. After that, we bid her other goodbye, as she heads to Chemistry while I go to Gym class.

            Did I mention I hate Gym?

            I’m not those girls that complain about Gym because it makes you sweat and icky. I hate Gym with a burning passion because all of our coaches are just plain perverts. Yes starting from the 7th grade. I make my way to the shower room and open my locker that I shared with a girl for 2 years. I dig for my gym clothes and enter a cubicle. After 3 minutes tops, I am ready. I exit the cubicle and pull my hair up in a ponytail. I head straight to the school gym and find some familiar faces. My eyes spot a blonde haired boy and I almost heave.

            It’s Alec.

            I ignore his wave and head to the direction of girls in a corner. Luckily, I know all of them. Rachel Whitefield sees me first and smiles. “Hey, Xenia. How’s your summer?” she chirps. I reply with an ok and greet all the girls here with a smile. Yvonne starts to narrate her experience of a horrible summer, and I quirked a smile at her cheerful behavior.

            Suddenly, Terry-a brunette-drops a bomb. “Hey, that Alec is hot isn’t he?” The girls all murmur in agreement and giggle. Off course, they’re immune to his gorgeousness.

            Mr. Lank, our instructor, calls us to spread a circle and do simple exercises. After that, we are divided into groups of five. I join Rachel’s group and we wait for our turn in playing volleyball. The instruction is clear: two groups will play and who gets the highest score will receive points. 

            “Ok, Rachel’s group and Ryder’s.”

            We stand up and approach the volleyball net. I’m not surprised to see Alec in Ryder’s group, what with his good looks and all that. Ryder Thompson is the school jock and a player at heart. His friends-Tyler, Jerry, and Bryan and he are the famous boys at school because of their looks.

                “I think we’ll lose.” Terry whispers in my ear.

            “And why do you say that?” I whisper back.

            “Their hotness is making me weak.”

        And I thought she didn't eat, because I swear she's so thin.

        I focus my attention on Ryder as he positions and holds the ball. I catch his wink, and I snort inwardly. Pathetic loser.

        The ball soars out high and suddenly, my eyes met Alec's green ones.

        Then, I black out.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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