Untitled Part 1

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Going on adventures by yourself is good, unless you stumble upon a stranger holding a key.
I go into this abandon place.
I love abandon places, they appease me,
It is an adventure turn on when I find new places, that look as if no one else has discovered the place.
I adventure through this abandon place and find a trap door that leads too who knows where.
Opening the door, I travel down the ladder.
Cool air attacks me instantly.
Feet touch the ground.
It look's like an abandon tunnel that leads too who knows, but the builder of this place.
I travel, flashlight on.
I turn a corner and there is a strange human figure standing with their hand out, in a black outfit
There is something on their palm gloved hand.
The strange figure has a bunny mask on, with their black hood up to cover their hair.
There is metal stairs behind the figure.
"Should I take the key and find the mystery door, or should I turn around?"
"Is that even a question?"
I embrace new adventures.
It's on to find this door.
"But, I wonder what is behind the door?"
That is the real mystery behind this whole operation.
I get closer to the masked figured.
I take the key away from the masked bunny figure.
The masked figure turns and points at the metal stairs.
"I knew those stairs were going to be apart of this adventure."
I climb the stairs.
I come to a hallway full of different doors.
I hear noises that I've never heard before.
They sound strange.
They are screams of horror and pain.
Slam, click.
I turn around the door just got shut, and locked.
"I feel as if I am in a SAW movie now."
I entered a game that I never wanted any part in.
I guess I've learned my lesson on wanting to adventure into places that I shouldn't enter.
I have no clue what I should do.
"Should I open each door? But, if I do that, what am I supposed to do with what is behind the door? The bunny masked person will be waiting for me at the bottom of the steps. What if this time he has a weapon?"
So many thought run through my head.
Panicking, I run to each door and try too unlock them.
The scream's get worst.
Higher pitch.
I try moving the door handle but nothing happens.
The last door...
This has to be the one.
Putting the key into the keyhole and the noises get worst.
"Should, I really open this door? What if I will be next?"
I ponder what to do for a split second.
I turn the key.
The door unlocks.
I swing the door open.
What I see is not pleasant.
Red liquid covers the whole entire room.
A woman's body lays motionless in a bed.
I know that the murder is still in that room.
The screams come again but, from behind me from another door.
I turn back to the lifeless woman's body.
I see a key on the woman's necklace.
"Should I get the key, and try to save someone else? Or should I just leave right now?"
Screams get louder.
They are torturing the people behind each door.
There are 8 more doors.
I run and grab the key from the woman's necklace.
"Okay, time to save2 somebody. Game on murder."
I check each door.
Found the door.
I open the door
Too late yet again.
This time a man.
I see another key, this time around the mans foot that is hanging off of the bed.
I grab it before I hear more screams.
I turn around from grabbing the key, and here they go again.
I repeat this cycle of finding dead bodies, until I have the ninth door left.
I have the key in my hand. I am waiting for the screams to start.
I hear none.
I put the key into the final door.
Opening the door, this door is clean.
No blood, no body laying on the bed.
"Okay, so this had been a trap this whole time. Should I go in there and find something out I more than likely don't want to find out or turn around and run? Well, I've gotten this far might as well finish the last door."
Stepping into the room.
I fall too the floor.
I see a male figure holding a hammer.
The room is spinning.
Thump goes the hammer.
The figure reaches for me and picks me up.
The male figure throws me on to the bed.
"I'm going to die and too think it all started out with a masked bunny rabbit, with a key in palm. I was too curious."
The murder gets his utilizes out.
I lay there, blood running out the right side of my head.
I try moving, I didn't get that far.
The murder's tall, broad shoulders, come closer to me.
In his hands I see a scalpel, aiming straight for my eyeballs.
I push his arms away from me.
He gets off balance.
I give it all I have to get up.
I fall off of the bed, straight onto the wooden floor.
He's starting to get back up quicker than I am, but for some reason I have a spurt of energy and make it out my door to the hallway.
Every door is wide opened.
The odor is making me want too puke.
I hold it together, trying to get away from this murder.
Falling all over the place, some how I make it to the door I came from.
I slam up against the door trying to get it open.
"Shit, I forgot, it was locked."
A key dangles from the murders belt.
"I bet I need that key too get out of this hell."
He still have his scalpel aimed and ready.
I plow right at him.
We both go to the ground.
The scalpel flies half down the hallway.
We struggle, but I got the key and the murder has a bloody head, from me slamming it into the floor.
A bloody head for a bloody head.
He is trying his best to get up off of the floor.
My vision is going in and out.
"Please, let me make it out of this!"
Inserting the key.
"YES! I'm going to make it! I better not get to cocky, because there is still that masted bunny, I'll have to deal with."
Falling down the steps, I see the masked figure standing, watching, waiting for me.
I tell the masked bunny figure, "I made it out alive! Don't I get to leave?"
As I fall too the floor.
Blood rushes out of my head.
I see the masked bunny figure coming towards me, with a note in palm saying, "Congratulations, you get too live."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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