Another Chance (12th Doctor)

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Author's Note

I'm an active fanfiction writer and reader, mostly the latter, and I have come to the point where I read through all the 12th Doctor fanfics. I was in desperate need of more 12th Doctor content. So to get my writing flow back up and running, I decided to write this small fanfiction.

The beginning is the ending from the "Kill the Moon" episode but at a different time. The ending kind of gives off "The End of Time Part 2" vibes. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I apologise in advance if I wrote him out of character I recently got into this fandom. I haven't written ANYTHING Doctor Who related yet. (Also, the sudden inspiration came to me as I was riding the bus to work. Luckily, I had my sketchbook to jot down the idea before I lost it).

Likes, comments or constructed criticism are appreciated!

In the tradition of Doctor Who, this fanfic is posted on Christmas! Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!


Choices determine who you are as a person. This time, he made her choose between the life of an alien or saving the people of the planet below. Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but she still had to choose.

He constantly tested out her limits, but that moment was the last straw. On her final adventure together, the TARDIS landed where it all started. Perhaps this time, the Doctor would be given another chance.

Additional Characters:

Arthur (played by Tom Hiddleston)
Lucielle (mentioned; played by Hayley Atwell)


"I nearly didn't press that button. I nearly got it wrong. That was you, the one I-" (Y/N) paused, "my dearest friend, making me scared. Making me feel like a bloody idiot."

"Language," The Doctor scolded.

"Oh, don't you ever tell me to mind my language. And don't you dare lump me in with the rest of the little humans that you think are so silly and predictable. You walk our Earth, you breathe our air. You make us your friend. You make us trust you- love you even. So that is your moon too. And you can damn well help us when we need it." She ranted.

"I was helping." He said quietly.

"What, by clearing off?"


"Yeah, well, clear off!" Her voice echoed. "Go on. You can clear off. Get back in your lonely- your lonely bloody TARDIS and you don't come back."

The Doctor and (Y/N) stared at each other, the tension high. "(Y/N)-" He said in a hushed tone.

(Y/N) ignored him and walked towards the TARDIS doors. He quickly followed her, "(Y/N)!" The Doctor said more assertively. With his arm stretched out, he caught hold of her wrist to which she turned around and stared at their hands.

'In another situation, I would've been over the moon.' She thought. The warm feeling of someone's palm cradling her cheek broke her away from her thoughts. Slightly shaking her head, the Doctor set his hand down to his side. She looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes told stories of the universe, yet held more mysteries than gave answers. These were the eyes that belonged to someone she'd learned to love.

"You go away, okay? You go a long way away," (Y/N) said bitterly, removing her wrist from his grasp. She turned and continued her way to the door, slamming it behind her when she exited the TARDIS.

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