Chapter One

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I drummed my nails absently against my desk, bored out of my mind with... well whatever Mr. Carson was teaching.

Looking up at the clock I saw we had a whole half hour before class would be over, groaning internally, I looked around the rest of the room.

My eyes landed on Carter, he seemed to be somewhere far, far away as he stared into the back of Jenny Malosk's skull.

Perhaps he liked her, the thought of that was depressing.

Jenny didn't deserve someone as amazing as him, hell I don't deserve someone as amazing as him either and yet that hasn't stopped my hopeless crushing.

I'm practically invisible to Carter, not because he's some kind of popular football guy, people knew him, he was cool and had friends, but he kept to himself quite a lot, sometimes I wonder if he has social anxiety like me. If he does he does a damn good job hiding it.

Me on the other hand I'm a wreck, social anxiety limits the friends I can have. Honestly though, I'm relieved I have any friends at all, and that they've stuck by me, most people don't stick around very long. I smiled to myself thinking about Lola and Edwin, both were absolutely hilarious and have always been great friends.

I glanced up at the clock again. Only five minutes had passed. Letting my mind wander seems more interesting then stupid trigonometric figures.

My thoughts are often every where, the most unrealistic things entertain me. Which is why I began to wonder if there were really mind-readers out there.

Not the fake crap that you get from fortune teller, or is it a palm reader?

I don't know but regardless, was it possible there could be mind-readers in this room?

That's when I got the idea, if I drop something loud enough, a majority of the class would turn around slightly to look at me in the back. Then I could use that split second to scream, in my head of course, with everyone looking at me, a mind reader was sure to show some reaction.

Right now, I was fueled by pure curiosity and perhaps boredom, normally the thought of drawing attention to myself was a big no-no but not today.

I took a deep breath to calm the few jitters I had. I tucked a straight strand of my long, light brown hair behind my ear and knocked my metal water bottle off my desk.

I felt my face get hot as everyone turned around, in an instant I regretted my decision. My water bottle had rolled to a stop at Carter's desk, he retrieved it, got up and began to hand it to me when I screamed.


Was the first thing that came to mind and thus it was was I mentally screamed.

He flinched so hard, and his eyes widened as he looked at me, and I mean REALLY looked at me. He ran his hand through his dark wavy hair and sighed, "I'm sorry" he mouthed and walked back to his desk.

I sat there, dumbfounded. Carter, CARTER, of all people was a mind-reader?!

No, no there's no way, absolutely no way, its simply not possible.

The whole thing was a joke right? I wasn't actually expecting to find a mind-reader was I?

Of course not, it was preposterous, completely, utterly, preposterous.

And yet I got what I wanted, I found a mind reader.

Just as I decided let the logical part of my mind come into play, a sharp pain, unlike anything I'd ever felt before, exploded in my brain, and seemed to spread until my whole head was consumed in fiery pain.

I wanted to cry out, I needed to go to the nurse, but I couldn't, I'd lost all ability to function besides squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my hands into the tightest fist I could form.

Then I heard a voice, his voice,

"It's me, Carter, I'm sorry I know this is painful, but you obviously know what I can do know. I know your freaking out, but I need you to let me explain. Only a few people know about this Megan, a few SELECTED people, you, or anyone here for that matter were not supposed to know. You have to meet me after school, somewhere private, no one can see us together, I swear I'll explain everything but you have to let me. Meet me in the woods behind the playground at the elementary school. Please Megan, you could be in danger if the others find out you know."

And with that his voice faded out, the pain subsided, and I felt the pressure leave my skull. I looked up and saw him staring right back at me. Knowing he could read my every thought I decided to yell again, he deserved it after what he just did, whatever that was.


I gained some satisfaction when he flinched, it didn't last long. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow in question. I don't have to be a mind-reader to know what he was asking.

Did I want him to do it again?

I glared at him and shook my head.

Wait, he was looking at me right now, did that mean he knew everything I've been thinking about?

I half expected him to nod yes or something, but he didn't, just continued to study me, could he hear my thoughts?

Carter Francola is a piece of shit...


No look, does this mean he can't hear me? I guess so. Maybe he only hears when I yell?


There it was! The flinch, and exasperated look! Ignoring it I smiled politely and batted my eyelashes, feigning innocence.

Now that I proved my theory I could think peacefully....


I looked up, twenty-five minutes had already passed. I shoved my binder into my backpack and slung it over my shoulders.

"Remember class, your homework for tonight is to-"

I walked out before I could hear the rest of Mr. Carson's sentence. He was a great teacher, but homework was the last thing on my mind right now.

How was it, that in the space of a half hour, I went from thinking about my little crush on Carter, to finding out he was some sort of mind-reader?

And what did he mean when he said I could be in danger?

I sighed and walked to my locker, in just a few hours I'd find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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