Merry Crispmas

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(Bit of a late Christmas special.)

It was snowing at the Cyanide Squad residence, and everyone was in the living room. Well, except for Chris and Belle. Chris and Belle were on their way to the mansion. The others, meanwhile, set up for Christmas.

Kitsune, Charon, Nova, and Spinel were setting up the tree. Norman was helping Lily make cookies and other desserts in far advance. Kennith and Liam were making sure that all the lights worked.

"Almost done. All that's left is the star." Kitsune noted. Spinel used her elastic abilities to grab the star and hand it to her with ease. "Here ya go!" She chirped.

"Thanks, Spinel." Kitsune replied, as her red and black butterfly wings sprouted out of her back. She delicately flapped her wings, attempting to be careful. She slowly flew towards the top of the tree. When she reached it, she gently placed the star on top, and went back to the ground.

"There we go. All done!" She remarked, her wings disappearing. "It looks beautiful, Kit." Charon commented, walking up beside her and wrapping half of his arms around her.

"Though... Nowhere near as beautiful as you..." He added, kissing her nose. Kitsune giggled at the gesture. "Love you, Chari..." She said, quietly. "I love you more~." He replied. "Not possible~." Kitsune laughed.

Norman could be heard groaning from the kitchen. "Oh my god, we get it, you two are sappy as fuck." He stated, as Lily laughed. "What, like you don't get all cheesy with Lily?" Charon asked.

"No, we don't!" Norman retorted. Without missing a beat, Kennith casually stated: "Yeah, well, that's debatable... You two are secretly as cliche as Liam and Chris and Kitsune and Charon." Which resulted in a jab from the fiery brunette.

"We are not!" Norman argued. "Yeah, ya are!" Liam countered.

Just then, Chris and Belle came in through the front door. Both of them had heard everything, and were mildly amused. "Well, this is an argument I wasn't expecting to walk into." Chris remarked, getting everyone's attention.

Kitsune's eyes lit up upon seeing him. "Chris! Belle!" She cheered, running over to them. In one swift motion, she practically tackled them in a hug.

Chris chuckled as he ruffled the redhead's hair. "It is nice to see you as well, my dear." He greeted. "You must've been real excited to see us!" Belle mused, giggling to herself.

"Oh, but I am! I'm just so excited that we all get to spend our first Christmas together as the Cyanide Squad!" Kitsune replied, pulling away from the hug. Chris could swear he saw the stars of happiness in her eyes.

Liam was the next to greet them, kissing Chris on the cheek. "Hi Chris. 'Bout time you got here." She stated. Chris wrapped an arm around her waist. "Excuse our lateness, darling. Traffic was a nightmare." He explained.

"Oh wow, I love what you guys did to the place!" Belle commented, as she entered the living room. Her brother soon followed after. "Ah, that's right... Christmas is coming up in a week, isn't it? My, that was quick..." He mused, chuckling slightly.

"Tell me about it! I swear, Kit and I had this exact conversation earlier! Right Kit?" Norman asked, looking over at the redheaded girl.

"Haha, yep! Norman and I were talkin' about how it feels like just a few days ago, it was December 1st, but now it's the 18th!" Kitsune confirmed, laughing to herself.

"Is there anything you two would like for Christmas?" Lily sweetly asked, as she smiled. The two Pierre siblings looked at each other. "No, that's quite alright, Lily. No need to trouble yourself." Chris finally said, to which Belle nodded in agreement.

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