what happened to Rainbow?

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"Uhhhhh what time is it," Rainbow Dash asked herself half awake "OH NO,no no no no no NO! It's 12:00 pm i'm gonna miss Fluttershy's baby shower!" Rainbow jumped out of her cloud bed. She grabbed her gift, and flew straight out the window. Rainbow headed straight to sugar cube corner.

"Finally your here Rainbow," Twilight said with relief.

"Hee hee sorry girls," rainbow replied

"Well but the box down and get over here" applejack said quietly. Fluttershy walked in slowly with her husband discord.

"SURPRISE, AND CONGRATS" everyone yelled.

"Thank you everypony" Fluttershy said a little embarrassed. They had fun especially Rainbow dash. (since fluttershy is her best friend) until she *zero to run to the bathroom and puke. She felt like she just swallowed a Porkipin and spit it back out again.

20 minutes later fluttershy came up to the door "you ok dashie you've been in there for 20 minutes" Fluttershy asked considered about her oldest and most loyal friend.

"Ya I'm fine fluttershy" Rainbow said feeling a little better. When the shower was over rainbow had been in and out of the bathroom puking her guts out, and every time she did fluttershy would come to the door and see if she was ok. Rainbow oddly started to walk back to her cloud house instead of flying. Fluttershy knew something was wrong with rainbow. Yet rainbow was hoping it was just food poisoning and not the flu, or something worse.

A while after the shower Rainbow had ran to a bush near the edge of Pony-vill so no pony would be watching her. "Ugh," Rainbow said a little nauseous "why me I have to go to wonder bolt training tomorrow and I can't go if i'm puking my guts out."

"Hiya rainbow what ya up to!?" Pinkie pie exclaimed.

"Oh nothing pinkie just uh watering the bush," Rainbow said with a grin.

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie said a little suspicious. Pinkie hopped back to sugar cube corner. Rainbow sighed, she was still too tired to fly so she walked to twilight's since Apple Jack has her farm, fluttershy is with discord, rarity had the boutique, and pinkie is just plain crazy.

Rainbow knocked on twilight's door. Spike a little baby dragon answered the door "who is it spike?" Twilight yelled from the other room.

"It's rainbow dash" Spike yelled back.

"Rainbows here, at the door?" Twilight replied coming down the stairs.

"Ya so, " Rainbow replied

"You normally go threw a window or the ceiling. "Twilight said considered

"I don't always," Rainbow almost yelling back.both ponies looked at each other very hard.

"I'm going to uhh clean the uhh aqwindows yes the windows of the uhh bedroom yes the bedroom. " Spike hesitated as he left the room.

"Look rainbow you aren't acting like yourself has something been bothering you? " Twilight asked.

"No!" Rainbow screamed twilight looked at her hard again. " Alright alright, Yes actually you know at fluttershy's baby shower how I puked in the bathroom" Rainbow said.

"Ya, " Twilight replied.

"Well for the past I don't know 8 hours I've been puking my guts out, and I'm too weak to fly so I was wondering if I could stay here for a bit? " Rainbow continued


"Thank you"

"On one condition"


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