50 things to do when you're grounded or bored

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Big thanks to @Graceland_ for the cover! Enjoy reading! :)

 50 things to do when you're grounded or bored..

1) Re-arrange all the frames in your sitting room
2) Try dressing up like your favorite celebrity
3) Follow your mom around and just stare at her
4) Make any animal sound when she calls you. You’ve forgotten the human    language…
5) Hang all the drawings/ paintings in the house upside down
6) Scribble on the bathroom mirror with soap or lipstick, “Help! I’m being held         hostage by adults!”
7) Make duck faces and take pictures. And just laugh at how crazy you look.
8) You can practice your favorite instrument.
9) Record yourself singing “Friday” and laugh at how lame you look.
10) Or you could put it on you-tube once un-grounded ^
11) Plan how to wipe out an entire country.
12) Dressup as an old lady and insist that everyone calls you “Mrs.SnuggleBum”
13) Try licking your elbow
14) Keep repeating the word “Supercallifragilisticexpialidiocious” And keep singing it to whoever’s at home
15) Maybe you could use this time to try cleaning your room..?
16) Form a rock band with your siblings.
17) Do the Gangnam style over and over and over again
18) Make a fortress/ castle using all your books/ DVD’s
19) Try making your own silly song
20) Eat. Keep eating till your mom has to chase you out of the kitchen whenever you enter it
21) Make your own crazy dance moves
22) Phone a random number and tell them you love them/ sing to them Call Me Maybe!
23) Play board games with yourself
24) Make a song titled, ‘Grounded’
25) Hang a poster of a celebrity you hate and play darts with it
26) Ride down your staircase on a mattress
27) Eat a bunch of gum and see how big you can get the bubble
28) Twirl really fast for thirty seconds then try to run
29) Try speaking backwards to anyone who talks to you
30) Convince your little brother/ sister that they really are adopted
31) Write a long, boring story about nothing
32) Act Emo for the rest of the day. That’ll get your mom worried..
33) Go to your mom and just start laughing like a maniac. That’ll get her worried as well
34) Re-arrange everything in your room
35) Try learning how to juggle!
36) If you’re nails are painted, then paint your pet’s nails as well
37) Try making a record of how long you can hold your breath
38) Try on EVERY cloth in your closet and take pictures. Be a poser
39) Keep banging your head on a wall
40) Name ALL your shoes.
41) Name everything you have
42) Act like you’re on a commercial. Make a recording of it then upload it on you-tube
43) Hold a tea-party, with your stuffed toys (If you still have any)
44) Try doing a headstand, without using the wall
45) Pretend you’re a super-hero/heroine and now you’re gonna save the world
46) Act like a ninja
47) Walk your imaginary dog on the street, act like you have to run after it and keep scolding it “Bad doggy!”
48) Act like a cheerleader. Keep flipping your hair until you get a headache
49) Write “I’m watching you” on post-its and stick them everywhere. If you have a younger sibling you’ll probably hear crying soon
50) Pretend that you’re married to your favorite celebrity. (Ex. for girls: Ian Somerhalder

** I actually wrote this 'cause I was bored.. Lol. Comment the number you thought was best :)) xxxx

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