''hey Zian,did you train'' said Cole ''Yeah'' replyde Zain,''Kai,Jai.Zain,Cole Lord garmadon has return''
"What are we gonna do now Sensei Wu?''Kai asked,''ninja jumped on to your dragons and Go to
Jamanakai village ninja'' the ninja's climed to there dragons and head to Jamanakai village.The villiger
is so frighten about Lord Garmadon.''Hey ninja's can you deafeat me'',''Yes we can deafeat you don't
say that we can't deafeat you we train for years ok'' said Kai,''Let's see'' said Lord garmadon.Know Kai
burn Lord garmadon ''ahhhhh!!!",know Jai make him electrifie "ahhhh!!'',"See i told you we train for
years".Know they climed up on there dragon's and head back to dojo to train Sensei Wu said "Now w-
hat did just happen did you deafeat Lord Garmadon?'' ask Sensei Wu,''Yes" said Kai,''Good so he can
't destroy the villigers".''yeah so we can train know?'' ask Kai,"yes" Sensei Wu ''Know let's do it Hiiii-