Ranger in Fiore; Welcome, Tevin Rhodes

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3rd POV
A lot happened since the original power rangers destroyed the evil queen Rita Repulsa and her minions from taking planet earth with the guidance and wisdom from an intergalactic being name Zordon of Eltar and a robot Alpha 5. Now, a new generations of teenage kids are power rangers and the one holding the green power coin is Tevin Marcus Rhodes. Trained by a legendary ranger named Tommy Oliver, Tevin now studying Martial Arts and science attends Angel Grove High school along with his new friends, Tyson, Kurt, Emily, Marie, and Johnny. But life in school was going to be difficult as for a certain evil being is watching the earth ready to conquer it as the queen Rita was banished by the now scheming Lord Zedd.

-Lord Zedd's Moon castle-
Theme of Lord Zedd

Lord Zedd: *growling* Those pesky power pups are always in my way of making the planet earth mine to rule! There must be some way to rid one of the rangers and then destroying the rest...

Goldar: Why not separate the green ranger from the earth and into another dimension? *suggesting his ideas for his master to rule earth* I can send down the putties and lure the green ranger to the cactus monster!

Lord Zedd: GOLDAR YOU BUMBLING BUFFOON!! For once, you have found a Brain in that skull of yours! We'll lure the Green Ranger with the putties and then... Hahahaha... The cactus monster will send the Green Ranger away from his home making the rest easy pickings!

-Back on earth in Angel Grove-

Tevin: Thanks guys. I'll see you later. Gotta see Zordon of the news about Lord Zedd's plans and I'll inform you. *talking to Johnny *

Johnny: Okay, Tevin. Be careful. Who knows what Lord Zedd is planning...

Tevin: Gotcha. Later! *leaves the school and heads straight to Angel Grove park*

-Back at the Moon vase castle-

Goldar: My Lord! The Green Ranger is out in the open. Shall we unleash the cactus monster on him along with the putties?


As the green ranger was contemplating about what Lord Zedd was planning, a group of gray putties appeared in the open.

Theme of Go Green Ranger Go

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Theme of Go Green Ranger Go

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