The Chaotic Christmas Party

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Kai let out a huff as he walked into Misako's house, shivering ever so slightly as he pulled off his jacket. He had left his friend, Skyler's, apartment in a hurry. Nya was the first to notice he had arrived, smiling and waving to him. Kai waved back to his sister before taking off his now wet shoes, caused by the snow outside.

Nya gave him a slight disapproving look at the fact that he had only been wearing a jacket when he really should have been wearing a coat in this cold weather. Not to mention how sensitive Kai was to the cold because of his fire element in the first place. Zane noticed Kai next, watching as he walked into the living room. Jay and Cole looking up as well.

"Hey," Kai said, giving a small wave. "What's up?" Nya asked. "Yeah, what took you so long?" Jay asked casually. Cole nudged him, looking back at Kai, "Everything okay?"

Kai stared at him for a moment, trying to think up a quick excuse. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... ice everywhere," Kai said, giving a small shrug before sitting down on the couch. Truth was, Kai had almost not come to the Christmas party. He was just so tired of pretending anymore, but he had decided that he should go at the last minute. He stupidly hadn't taken a vehicle and walked in the cold- in just a jacket no less, but he had been in a hurry.

Kai blinked away the sudden rush off thoughts, focusing on his sister. "Where's Lloyd? And-"

"Sensei Wu, Lloyd, and his parents are in the kitchen. Along with Pixel." Nya interrupted. Kai nodded and leaned back against the couch, looking down at the coffee table in front of him to see they were playing a game. A card game, goldfish, to be precise, which cause him to smile.

"Uh, who's turn was it again?" Jay asked, holding up his cards. "Mine." Cole replied, looking through his own cards. Kai suddenly realized he had unintentionally sat at the far side of the couch, with Jay in between him and Cole. Great, now he was unintentionally making sure there was a buffer between them. He sighed and watched as they continued their game.

Lloyd came out from the kitchen and smiled when he saw Kai, "Your here! I was about to try and call you."

Kai managed a small smile, accompanied by a shrug. Lloyd forced himself to keep the smile on his face, "Hey Kai?"

"Yeah?" He answered.

"I need your help in here real quick, since your not really playing right now."

Kai sighed but stood up and walked over to Lloyd, who lead him out of the living room and past the kitchen. "Lloyd, the kitchen is back there." Kai pointed out.

Lloyd didn't respond, only brought Kai into the dining room and handed Kai some plates. "I need help setting the table." Lloyd said.

"Mhm." Kai rolled his eyes but started setting the plates in their correct spot.

"So... What's up?" Lloyd asked after a moment, having begun to set the silverware.

"Nothing much."

"Kai..." Lloyd paused, staring at Kai, "C'mon. You can talk to me. Does... does it have anything to do with Cole?"

Kai tensed, "Why would you say that?"

Lloyd gave him a deadpan look, "You tensed. Plus the constant glancing at him when I was still in the kitchen."

"I didn't- you were in the kitchen. How did you know?"

"You just told me." Lloyd replied. Kai frowned and huffed at being tricked.

"Anyway, you keep looking at him, why?" Lloyd asked.

"I..." Kai paused his movements, trying to find an excuse, "It's- it's nothing."

The Chaotic Christmas Party (Ninjago Lavashipping)Where stories live. Discover now