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↬ Janette P.O.V.

After she was done performing, kids clapped like crazy. She didn't do much. She didn't put emotion, and if she did it wasn't much. She didn't speak clearly, I probably didn't either. And kids had the urge to clap like crazy when our project was the same thing. Even Lynn said it was great and she was amazing. This hurt a lot. I tried not to show. But I couldn't and let all out I didn't clap instead I cried of anger. i saw the others performance and they were good. After the class we spoke to Ms. K she said we could of gotten a much high grade then what Larisa got. But we couldn't do anything. Thank God she thought out project was good unlike others. I don't want to be rude about it, especially with thoes who said things. I didn't want to cause any drama. Then I return to my next class I got late so my class had already started. I got to class crying others notice but they didn't say anything, but cescila and Dan. Fr that moment I did t want to be friends with Larisa anymore. She seemed alot happier with others. And I thought it was for the best to not talk to her for a while. Why? Because I was afraid to hurt her. I would still be mad at her, and she'll be ranting about other things or telling me things that would seem funny if I wasn't mad, and I'll probably get even mad or even yell at her, knowing myself I did t want to make her cry I do t want that. We texted and made things clear a week later. I saw she was saying things to make me sound like a bad person. Lexi told me. And a girl also had the urge to tell Larisa I wanted to fight her. I never would want to fight anyone.

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