Frostbite {Maknae Line} pt.1/8

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// Jimin's POV //

We have a jar on the top dresser in the bonus room. In it includes all seven of our names on white slips of paper, each year we draw a name out of the jar to see who picks our yearly Christmas vacation.

This year's pick was Taehyung: Tae is a traveler, loves to explore new places and can't stand going to the same place over twice. He isn't one for the cold either so you can imagine my surprise when he suggested we go to the coldest place on earth.

Due to rapid climate change, Antarctica has more sunny days than cloudy. When we landed, the cold was so intense. I thought it was impossible to have the heat of the sun hit the ground, it left no real impact at all.

The Chilean Villa Las Estrellas village housed many miles of grassy fields, ice guarded the ground around it. Our cabin was luxurious, the height of an average house. It was a two story structure with a massive garage that was home to over eight snowmobiles and many pair of skis.

"It's colder in here than outside," I complained.

Namjoon landed his luggage on the bed, "I've never seen so much snow. It's looks over twelve inches."

I agreed, the flight was so long but I wasn't tired, neither were the other younger members.

We ate dinner with the food that we brought, it was very nice and we even had some red wine. Which Suga packed even though he swore that he "totally forgot it was in there."

After we cleaned up, I looked at the time and was surprised to see that it was only a quarter after six. I shared the news with Jungkook and Taehyung and that's when we decided it was the time to ask.

"You tell him!" Taehyung insisted.

I denied, "You tell him!"

"You're older!"

"We're the same age!"

"Look, Jin can't say no to Jungkook. Why doesn't he just ask?"

"That's a great idea!"

"Umm..No," Jungkook argued.

"He won't say we can't if you ask him!" V turned.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Trust hyungs, we know what we're doing," I said.

Jungkook kept shaking his head, but Tae and I weren't taking no for an answer. We pushed him to Jin's door and I knocked.

Jin was on the bed, already tucked in and watching a movie, "Makanes! you should be in bed. We've had a long day today."

We stood Jungkook in the front, holding his arms by his side.


"Ne baby?" Jin mumbled, half asleep.

"V-V hyung, Jimin hyung, and I w-would like your p-permission to go ride the snowmobiles in the g-garage." Jungkook stuttered.

Jin suddenly became wide awake and sat up to look us in the eyes, "No."

I was taken aback, he never said no to the maknae.

"Why not?" Taehyung asked, he wan't prepared for Jin to refuse.

"Why not? It's below zero! It's also dark out and you can't see! Another reason is you don't even know how to ride one!" Jin sighed, realizing he was shouting. He smiled and held Tae's hand:

"We'll all wake up early tomorrow and go then. How does that sound? We'll all go together!"

That actually did sound like a great idea, but Taehyung suddenly glared at him and snapped back:

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