Chapter One

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Maevelin Roan stepped off The Trident and onto the dark red sand of the slave trading planet she had been forced to come to. Sapili Prime wasn't a shitty, run down planet like it should be, like the desert climate made it look. It was rich in its own resources and the Siipi people made a killing off selling it. Unfortunately, those rich and plentiful resources were slaves... just like Maeve.

She reached down and pet the fluffy black head of her companion, trying to comfort herself, maybe even talk herself into not turning around and stepping right back on the ship, "Come on, Säiph. Let's get this over with. A quick and painless right?"

She didn't want to be here, but she wasn't given a choice. Zekekiel Vint, her master, had given her this order and more credits towards her savings, more than she could pass up. Soon, she'd have enough money to buy her freedom and she wouldn't be no one's property any longer., but she still had a long way to go before that could happen. Buying your own freedom wasn't a cheap endeavor nor was it for the faint of heart, she told herself. Sometimes, one had to close themselves off from the reality of the situation, sometimes things that could test you as an individual, and she had trained herself well over the years.

She made her way in the same direction as all the other incoming aliens, following the crowd and trying to stay under the radar. She'd learn to do that well, too. It kept her safe and breathing. The less people saw her the less the risk of life. Maeve pulled her hood over her sleeked back hair, trying to remain invisible, and she pulled her gloves up higher on her wrists to hide the marks that would tell everyone she was a slave, a human one at that.

Säiph was an ever-constant presence by her side, staying up close to her and keeping his eyes open. Maeve wouldn't be brave enough to come here alone if it hadn't been for him. The crowds were too much for her.

A wide array of aliens, mostly female by the looks of it, gathered in a dense group near a massive, run down ship. It didn't look special to her, probably just another group of slavers bringing in a crop of criminals and thieves to be sold for bottom dollar. The whole thing made her sick.

She'd been a lucky one. Born on a planet that held human's as slaves, but still they were alive and fed, mostly. Zekekiel was wealthy and powerful, well known in the galaxy for being ruthless when he needed to be and diplomatic when he didn't. Fair. The word was fair. Though, she didn't see either sides of him.

Giving into the little amount of curiosity she had, Maeve joined the group of on lookers and Säiph made a path for her to the front. There were ten males in the group of captives, in varying degrees of filth and health. Some looked to be nearly dead, standing only on determination alone.

One, though, stood out to her for many reasons. He looked strong, even in his state of misery. His body roped with muscle, thick powerful thighs flexed as he shifted his weight, his uncovered torso flexed tight with each strained breath he took, and his long black hair fell over his face in what were once intricate braids that fell to his waist, but were now not much more than a knotted mess. He was a walking wet dream for any woman and Maeve felt a tightening in her lower stomach, a reaction she didn't get frequently, if at all. His wrists and ankles were bound with chains while the others had nothing but an equalizer to their backs to keep them from running. What have you done to warrant the need for shackles? she wondered.

But none of that is what had drawn the various species of females in droves. It wasn't what he looked like, though it was part of it, it was what he was. Rarity in its purest form. Possibly even considered extinct in every scientific way imaginable. He was sinfully gorgeous, his deep skin tone kissed by the stars themselves, a god among species.

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