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       ~ requested by acousticbeebo ~

Brendon and his beautiful wife, Sarah have been happily married for about six years now -- they've gotten to explore the world and visit extraordinary landmarks, Brendon's music career has just been skyrocketing as the years go on, both of them gotten to party like there's no tomorrow, and they got their nice beautiful big home but they both agreed something was missing in their lives.

Brendon was out buying some yellow roses for Sarah, as he was leaving the flower store, he saw a father carrying his daughter - she was about six months old. She was babbling to herself about something, in her own world. Her father would giggle to her, "say dadda" repeatedly. The baby girl looked at him and hugged his neck, rested her small head on his shoulder beaming "dadda!". He smiled passing at the two, for some reason, he was jealous of that father and wanted to have that in his future. A cute baby that looked like Sarah, that would follow him around, and give him cuddles and kisses.

He was at home, throwing his keys onto the coffee table, as Penny Lane and Bogart continuously jumped on him. Sarah was cooking one of his favorite dishes, the scent of her delicious cooking invaded the living room and kitchen. He went up to her from behind, and gave her a kiss. She turned around and continued to kiss him, "I missed you" she mumbled into his ear. "Babe, I was only gone for two hours" he laughed, rubbing her back. "That's too long" she giggled.

He sat down at the table as Sarah was serving the two - "babe I saw the cutest baby ever at the store" he marveled, going on about how cute she was babbling and jumping around. "Have you seen Tyler and Jenna's baby though?" she exclaimed, sitting down at the table with him. The two obviously have baby fever but can't admit to eachother, since, they both had on and off feelings about having their own baby.

their dinner went on as they continued talking about babies, as Brendon was swallowing a piece of food he gained the courage to say it. "Babe, why haven't we had our own yet?" He asked. Sarah acted like she had no clue what he was talking about, "what do you mean?". He responded with three words, "our little urie".

They've talked about children before but it's always an on and off answer. Shortly after they got married, it was a maybe sometime in the future - then it became a straight up no, then, it was a maybe. Sarah stabbed her food repeatedly with her fork as looked up to her husband who stared at her waiting for a response.

Brendon talking about children, always warmed up Sarah's heart because he was adorable about it -- As much as she wanted to say "let's try for a baby" the truth was she was slightly afraid of how Brendon would be as a father. A baby is  very life changing, and Brendon with children sounded somewhat of a not-so-good combination to her. What's gonna happen if the baby starts crying and he doesn't know what to do?

"Bren," she stuttered looking back at him "I want a baby but-". Before, Sarah could finish her sentence she was cut off by Brendon who kissed her passionately. "Really, You'll give us our little urie!" he smiled as his eyes lit up like christmas trees and his hues lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July.

Sarah wanted to say more but didn't wanna ruin Brendon's happiness, it wasn't the fact, she didn't trust him but more like she was somewhat afraid of how he would act as a father. But she just smiled back at him as he blabbled on about how much he was going to love this baby, and all he wanted was cuddles and kisses.

Brendon and Sarah went to sleep as Brendon put his arm around Sarah, they both we're cuddling, telling eachother how much they love eachother how they do most nights. "Frank Sinatra Urie" he giggled to himself. "Brendon, I'm not naming our baby that" she responded playing with his messy fluffy hair. "Fine," he huffed "what about Fortnite Beer Urie". She tried to keep her laughs in, Brendon knew she was on the urge to giggle, "Goodnight, Brendon" she said. "Goodnight, Sarah".

The next day, Dan and Maya, dropped off their baby girl, Mia so we could babysit while they had their date to a fancy restaurant. Mia was very bubbly and energetic, and usually didn't mind being left with Sarah and Brendon but today she had some separation issues.

"Enjoy yourselves" Sarah waved goodbye at them. "Oh, we will" Dan joked to himself, he's be around Brendon for too long. Sarah agreed to babysitting Mia since like two weeks ago, and since she had baby fever herself. She couldn't resist but only wanting to play with Mia and hold her all day.

Brendon didn't know, he was in his studio, playing fortnite but he was ending his live stream already. Mia begun to be a bit fussy, Sarah assumed it was because she was hungry so she warmed up a nice warm bottle of milk for her but the fussing didn't stop. It soon became crying.

Brendon chimed into the house, and noticed the baby crying. "Why so sad, Mia?" Brendon cooed to Mia, Brendon gently picked up Mia from Sarah's arms. She watched dumbfoundely, Brendon had no clue that he was being dealing with Mia's tantrum amazingly.

"Why so mad?" he cooed again, blowing raspberries onto her cheeks. She begun to giggle. "There's no reason to be sad, MiMi" he joked wiping away the tears from her face. "How did you get her to stop crying?" Sarah inquired in amazement watching the two as she crossed her arms. "I honestly dont know," Brendon laughed "what can I say I'm good with kids". "Good enough to have my own" he teased Sarah. She sarcastically rolled her blue eyes at him.

For the rest of the day, while they Dan and Maya were on their date. Brendon was with Mia all day long, playing games with her. Since little Mia can't walk, Brendon even had a crawling competition with her, to see who was the fastest crawler. Of course, he let her win.

The door bell rung, "I'll get it" shouted Sarah as she watched the two then faced the door. It was Dan. "I'm here to pick up my baby girl" he stated smiling at Sarah, waiting to recieve his baby. "Brendon!" Sarah called, he came with Mia in her hands that had a huge happy expression on her face. She was so excited to see her dad, she yelped, "dadda!" with her tongue slightly sticking out.

Dan picked up his little girl and gave her millions of kisses "I missed ya, kitten" he told his daughter who was cooing to herself. Brendon smiled at the two, Sarah closed the door. "Brendon you did amazing taking care of Mia" she said putting her arms on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry I underestimated you" she apologized, giving him a kiss. "You did?" Brendon questioned pulling away from the kiss, "it was nothin, babe" Sarah smiled. She felt bad that she thought that way of Brendon with kids but she now knows he's going to be a wonderful father.

"Brendon, why don't we try for a baby" she smirked as she bit her lip, he pulled her closer "I think we should" he giggled.

Obviously, we all know they did the baby dance to make baby y/n urie.

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