The brown eyes

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You woke up at 7 am like every morning when you are going to your college. You were rubbing your eyes and yawning, asking yourself if you should stand up or just sleep again, skipping school. After deciding to stand up & going to school you opened the door from your bedroom and went over to the bathroom. Before you could enter the bathroom you saw your older sister in front of you, looking quite mad, which didn't bother you at all anymore. It wasn't something new for you to see your sister in a bad mood, at least not since the last month because her boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend broke up with her. The reason why he broke up with her? She was clingly. Really clingy, which didn't surprise you because she was always like that, also when she was younger.

She just wanted to say something to you, but then you both flinched because of a loud noise that came from the living room. You both rushed over, just to see your brother Soobin, who was only six years old sitting on the floor, next to him a broken vase and the flowers on the carpet. Obviously the carpet got wet through the water that was inside the vase & the smell from the dirty water wasn't the best thing to smell in the morning. Your sister sighed loudly next to you before heading over to your brother, picking him up and sitting him on the couch. Your sister, also called Marie took Soobin the socks off because they also got wet from the water. "You will sit here and wait until your sister cleaned this mess, or you will hurt yourself because of all the broken pieces on the ground, alright?",you sister said to your younger brother, while drying his feet with the end from her hoodie. He giggled because it tickled him how Marie dried his feet, but nod and gave her a bright smile, making her smile as well.

You just stood behind her, crossed your arms in front of your chest & waited until she will turn around to face you. After she did turn around she saw your mad expression and asked what your problem is and why you weren't cleaning the mess already, while crossing her arms as well to look as serious as you. "Exactly this is my problem. Why do I have to clean this mess? My class starts today at 8am, you are home until 12pm, so you have enough time to do it. I'm already too late to even take a shower, so I guess you will clean all of this, while I make myself ready for school", you said confident, knowing you made your sister even more mad than she already was with how you just talked to her. "If you think that you can tell me what to do then yo-" "Then I am absolutely right. Thanks Sis, I knew you would agree with me", you cut her off and finished her sentence, even you know that it was the exact opposite from what she was going to say. Before she could even say one more word you run back to the bathroom and locked the door, so she couldn't come in. Looking in the mirror after entering the bathroom you smiled to yourself and started your morning rountine.

This is how it was every morning in your house. Your sister getting mad easily, your brother being a complete mess & always breaking things & then there was you. A 17 years old girl, who was in her last year of school, having only three real friends, which were called Rebecca, Hannah & Jimin, getting annoyed by her older sister, who was 21 & had already a job as an assistant in a big company. Then not to forget about your little brother Soobin, who just started with school & surprisingly learned really fast, which made you as his older sister really proud. Then your parents.. Your parents were amazing people, always caring, always there for everyone, always the first who asked if you needed any help, always the one, who cooked for you, who cleaned your room, who made your life brighter & who were like best friends for you. Your mom & dad were your everything, besides your siblings. They were the light in your dark life, the support in your life & just the best parents on earth. Sadly to rethink about that they aren't longer with you on the planet & watch you now from heaven. That the best people had to die at first.

It's now more than 4 years ago that they aren't in your life anymore. They both died out of nowhere, no one thought that it would happen so quickly. They weren't sick or something like that, it was just an accident, but this accident killed them & broke your family apart. On one day you gave them the idea to spend some time without you & your siblings, so they decided to go out, while you & your sister promised that you will look over your little brother, so they could enjoy an evening without kids. After some hours you & Marie got worried because they shouldn't been gone for so long, so you checked in the internet how long the restaurant was opened, but when you checkd the time on the clock you noticed that it was already closed. You both got even more worried, but tried to stay calm, so Soobin won't overreact. Minutes later you heard the door bell & rushed over it, looking through the keyhole before opening the door, even you didn't see something through it. Two police men were standing in front of you, looking down to you. You didn't even want to listen to them, all you wanted was to see your parents again, but they told you that it won't be possible because they had an car accident. They died just because you had the idea to give them some alone-time. It was all your fault & even 4 years later you still give yourself the fault for that, for the death of your parents.

After you were done in the bathroom you quickly looked at the clock, only to see that you had barley 20 minutes to get to school, so you won't be late. Rushing over to youe sisters room, you knocked on the door, but didn't wait until she tells you to come in. Opening her door, you saw her standing in front of a mirror, looking at her body, which was in your eyes perfect, but she never believed you in that because she thought that you just wanted to be nice to her. "Don't stare so long at yourself, or you will get even more insecure, even you look gorgeous", you said to her, making her look at you in the mirror. She chuckled a little bit & said "We both know that it is a lie, but thank you anyways. At least someone tries to cheer me up", while looking over to her desk, admiring the picture from her & your parents.

It was from a australia trip you did before your brother was born & to be hoenst, it was the best trip you ever did. You never saw your parents that happy, full of joy. They laughed so much at this time & you still can hear their laughs in your mind when you think about it. "They would have said the same if they were here", you told her in a kinda whisper, but she still managed to hear it & gave you a fade smile, walking closer to you & gave you a hug.

This is the time when you didn't think about her as a clingy sister & more like a second mother, who was sometimes annoying, but in the end always there for you when you needed some comfort & love. You pulled away from the hug & looked at her shiny blue eyes, seemed like she was near to let the tears drop, but you tapped with your index finger from your left hand against her left cheek, making her chuckle slightly. "You know that you are older than me, still you are the cry- baby from us", you said to her while laughing out loud, making her face light up & laughing as well. She pushed you slightly away without hurting you & told you then to get in the car, so she can drive you to school. "And take Soobin with you", she yelled out of her bedroom after you left. You then went to Soobin, picked him up, put him his & your own shoes & a jacket on.

You both walked hands intertwined out of the house, waiting in the car for your sister. After she went into the car & started driving you just looked out of the window, while listening to the calm music that was coming in the radio, waiting until you were able to see your college. You sister dropped you off, but before you walked away she told you that she won't be able to pick you up later. "No problem, I will just walk. Gladly that it isn't that cold today. See you two later", you answer her & waved to your little brother, who was sitting in the backseat with a toy in his right hand. "Bye Y/n, I love you", he said loudly, hoping you would still hear him, even that you started walking away already, but you didn't reply, instead you walked towards the school building, leaving the car behind you, not hearing what your brother said.

Being 7 hours in school wasn't funny, but you somehow managed to survive it, even that you had the worst teacher on earth today for four hours. Walking to your locker you put all the books in it before locking it & turning around to walk out of the building. Remembering that your sister won't come to pick you up you started walking home by your own. You listened to music with your earphones & looked at the ground, while walking, seeing your feet making one step after the next one in your white sneakers.

Walking & walking, bringing your body closer to your house you suddenly saw some sneakers in front of yours, since you only looked at the ground. You immediately stayed still, so you won't run into the person, who was standing in front of you now. You saw the shoes, it was the same sneakers like you were wearing, only that the once from the stranger were black. Not understanding why the person was standing in front of you, you decided to lift your head up, only to see the most handsome guy on earth. His red lips, his long hair thst looked so soft, his muscular stature & his brown eyes. The eyes you were looking into for some seconds, seeing a special sparkle in it. You both were just staring at each other, not saying a single word, but then a car honks & made you flinch, which caused you to stumble. You almost feel on the ground, but only almost. The guy catched you & hold you with his arms around your waist to not make you hit the hard ground. Looking again into his eyes, faces quite close you felt his hot breath on your skin. Then you looked at this lips you saw him opening his mouth, making you look back from his lips to his eyes, only to see him staring at you. "I'm Jungkook, what about you?"

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