Run Away With Me

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The minute Akutagawa opened his eyes, he was relieved. 

Lying beside him in bed was Sir Chuuya, a rich Lord from the South. He had kept flirting with his Dazai, and the minute Chuuya got drunk, Akutagawa practically lunged at him. 

Ha, his Dazai. 

What a thought. 

Akutagawa slowly rolled out from beneath the silk covers, slow enough to reveal his nakedness tauntingly slow. His hips were bruised, and there was no way his garb was going to cover it. The minute he was out of Chuuya's grasp and the sheets he sprung into action. 

He quickly laced his gladiator sandals and skillfully slipped into the silver band that hung seductively low on his hips. The black lace covering was expensive, but didn't quite do anything in the modesty factor. 

He briskly walked over to the window and peeked upwards. The moon hung high in the sky.


Too early for sleep. 

Too late for anyone to be up. 

Looks like he'll be taking a midnight walk around the castle. 

Akutagawa slipped out of the heavy wooden door with all of the intricate carvings etched into the rich wood with practiced ease. 

He'd often go out on nights like this. 

He wondered if his friend would be waiting for him. 

He saw a flash of darkness. 

A smile spread onto his face. 

"I'm out for a reason tonight, beautiful, so, regrettably, I won't be joining you." 

That gorgeous voice could only belong to an angel

Akutagawa turned around only to come nose-to-nose to the black-clad man. His face brightened immediately. 

"I missed you!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around the man's neck, arching up into him. 

The man chuckled, hugging him right back. Akutagawa shoved away lightly at all of the bulky bags in his jacket.

"What are you doing?!" he whisper hissed.

"What does it look like? Ryuu, I don't belong here."

Ah, yes. 

He had told him that he could use his given name. 

How unfair, considering that he still was oblivious to the stranger's. 

"You're running away? Alone? You'll die out there!"

The man looked down for a second before locking eyes.

"Not if you come with me."

He snatches up the concubines hand and begins to race down the dark halls that they both know so well. 

Akutagawa hates/loves this. Being dragged around and used. He uses him unlike everyone else, and it's absolutely wonderful

The thief stops at a window weakly illuminated by the moon. Akutagawa yanks his hand away. 

"I could never leave the prince!"

"That man adopted you in to be fucked by his rich friends!" the thief shouts, his voice rising. 

The words feel like knives in Akutagawa's heart.

He tries to calm his racing heat and stop the acid from creeping up his throat in disgust with the thought that the thief is simply jealous. Thief loves Aku but Aku will always love Dazai-san.

"At dinners all you do is stare longingly at him while he gets chewed out by his fathers! He's too weak to stand up for himself; the crown prince is an ugly failure. What a fa-"

"Shut up, I love him!"

Akutagawa feels his hand ringing. 

He slapped him hard.

The man's bandages explode beautifully around him, and his eyes are locked on Akutagawa's the whole time. Akutagawa feels his heart jump up and down with the rising adrenaline and fear in his chest. 


Dazai cuts him off with a deep kiss. 

Dazai cannot believe that he's just been hit. 

For what? 

Dissing himself? 

Dazai never loved himself. 

The only thing he could ever even come up with for a time where he could remotely stand himself was when he first met Akutagawa. 

Akutagawa's hands are in his hair, and his tongue is deep in Akutagawa's mouth. Akutagawa is between his legs as he sits on the raised window sill. 

It all just feels so right

He had no idea this much joy was even obtainable for the human being. 

They pull away, panting. A new type of fire shoots through both of their veins.

"Aha-ha...M-My... Hah... My stuff."

"I have it right here."

Akutagawa's dull eyes sparkle.

"Y-you... Thought of everything, huh?"

"Well, I knew you'd come with me."

Akutagawa shoots Dazai a smile so innocent that it physically hurts him. 

"You know me very well..."

With that, Dazai led Akutagawa down to the stables. There, they packed two horses and set off towards the Northern villages where the crown prince was more favored but wasn't as well known as in the central kingdoms. There, they settled down together. Dazai began working at a small bar with two other men, Oda and Ango; although Ango is a constant liar, Oda is like a father to Akutagwa. 

Akutagawa finished up his schooling. Mori, one of Dazai's fathers, pestered them often with weddings and such. The other one, Fukuzawa, was happy for Dazai and wished him the best. 

Eventually, though, after Akutagawa is two years done with school, Dazai proposes. They'd get married on the tenth of May, just when the sakura trees are shedding the most, and the ceremony would be near a body of water. 

They would adopt two sons and name them something ridiculously deep and meaningful. 

They would have drama raising up their sons and would try to fit in dates when they could.

So much would happen for our love birds.





But that's for another fic  ;)

Run Away With Me {DAZAKU One-shot}Where stories live. Discover now