Chapter 1

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Can't believe this is really over. After one of the most beautiful years in my life it is very hard for me to let go. Two years ago I applied to spend my junior year in highschool in another country. To be more specific, America. Yes, I know what they all Say about it, the place where every wish comes true. And for some really does. For example me, I haven't spent my whole life here, but this last year is hands down the best. I experienced so many great things here and made a lot of friends that i Find it hard to leave. Since is my last day here, my flight is at 12 pm today, i figured the best way i Could spend it would be surrounded by friend.
So here i am, looking through my clothes that are already neatly folded, deciding what i will be wearing tonight at my goodbye party. I think that i need to be very comfortable since this will be the same outfit i will be wearing during the flight. My black pair of jeans and a blue t shirt to match my Denim jacket will be it for today.
When i'm heading to the bed to put my clothes for tonight apart my phone rings and i see my best friends name on the screen. Lucy was the first person i met when i arrived here and the fact that our friendship lasted all year round is something i didn't thought would happen. "Hey ya" i hear her happy voice say. "Sad that you're leaveing or eager to never see our faces again?". I can't help but smile  and shake my head when i hear Why she called me. "Well kinda sad that you called, i figuered i already got rid of you" "Nope, not yet. You got one more day here and i'm going to make the best of it. So i hope you're dressed because i'm on my way to you. Love." "Wha-" before i can answer she ends the call and i am left staring at the phone. What the hell was just that? Why would she be coming over, there is way to early for the party so what is she planning? I decide to drop it and to give her the satisfaction she deserves for surprizing me. I lay on the bed and wait for her to come. 10 minutes feel like hours before i hear her knok on the door. I head over to the entrace and see not only Lucy, but also her brother Dylan and some other guy that i haven't met before. His eyes meet mine and i feel like i've looked into those eyes a thousand times before. I don't know if he feels the same way but something in his change of posture tells me that i'm not indifferent to him either. "So are you gonna let us in or do we have to get inside uninvited?" Lucy's voice breaks me from the strangers spell and brings me back to reality. "Yeah, sure." I Take a step back and let them walk in. Dylan passes me without saying a word behind Lucy who apparently made herself at home. The New guy who has the most beautiful blue eyes i've ever seen and a body that screams to be touched takes a step into the apartment and stops right in front of me. He looks at me for a few seconds before presenting himself. "Hello. My name is Aiden." His voice is as smooth as i thought it would be and suddenly i am at a loss of word. Why am i so nervos? He is not the first guy i speak to so Why aren't there any words coming out of my mouth? "You know, you Could also Tell me your name and get to know eachother instead of letting me ask Dylan everything I want to know." Oh. So his attitude may not be in sync with the fancy clothes that he's wearing or maybe he's not into all that small talk thing. I don't want to lose more time with this so i save it for later and decide to finally give him an answer. "My name is Naomi" "Well, that was easy. Nice to meet you, Naomi." He extends his arm towards me and i'm taken by surprise when he hugs me instead of shaking my hand. His grip is tight and i am overwhelmed by the familiar feeling he brings along. My arms wrap around him and i dive right in his scent. He smells like mint and i go crazy when i feel one of his hands caresing my back. I think that this is the strangest and nicest meeting i've ever had. I feel like i say that a lot since 5 minutes ago when i opened the door, but he makes me feel as if everything is new to me. I can't help but feel like i've known him since forever and this is just one of all the many encounters that we've had. I believe that he feels just the same way by the way he's holding me. "You guys are alright?" Lucy's voice breaks the ice first and makes both Aiden and I to Take some distance from one another. "Of cours we are, why won't we?" asks Aiden. "Maybe because you two were hugging over here without even me or Dylan introducing eachother? Like, i don't know, it just felt awkard." And she's right. Awkard, this is the best word to describe what just happend and the worst. "Calm down, Lucy. I just hugged her, it's not as if i just kissed her." Aiden's words come out easily and i feel smaller with each second thats passing. Did he really just Said that? Does he want to kiss me? Would i let him? Mu thoughts are interrupted by Lucy who announces us to come in the livingroom because he has something very important to tell us. She turns on her heels and leaves Aiden and I alone again. This time i'm the first one to speak and i say " We better go there or she will come again." "Lady's first" he says and a Smile dances on his face while he points to me toward the livingroom. I oblige and try not to think about the fact that his personality is so contradictory. One second he's so sweet and the next one he's this confident man that knows exactly what he wants.
When i enter the living room Dylan is seated in the chair by the Window and Lucy sits down in the chair next to her brother. The go directly to the sofa and sit down being completly aware that Aiden just took a seat a few inches away from me. I feel my cheeks turning red, my body obiovsly responding to his presence. Do i need to say that i already love his company?
"So, Naomi, before the actual party tonight i thought it would be nice to go out and Take one last tour of the beautiful Miami." "I don't really know what to say about that. The party is already enough given the long flight that awaits me. If you would've told me what you wanted you wouldn't have come all the way here for nothing." I'm sorry to disappoint her but there is no way i'm spending today out. I need to get some rest and to make sure i packed everything." Don't do this now. Today will be the day that you'll remember the most from your time here. Do you really want to remember everything about how your celing looked like?" I try not to let her comment upset me so i let it go and say "Lucy, i visited everything there was to visit in this town. I'm already tired, i've spent last night packing this whole apartment and i have no energy left in me. I'm sorry again for ruining your plans, but i'm really not going anywhere." It breaks my heart to see her sad, but she should have told me about this not just throw it in my face. "Alright then" i hear Dylan say " sis, you can't force her to do only what you want her to do. There already is a party that we are going to tonight so this Little escape that you had in your head isn't mandatory." "Yeah, but..." Lucy begins to say but stops in her tracks. "Fine. This time is the way you want it, but there's no eacaping for you tonight." Glad that she agreed with me for once i answer her "Ok, babe" and she stands ready to leave. Dylan and Aiden follow her and my heart tightens a bit at the thought that i didn't got to spend a Little more time with Aiden. With a last glance at me that says hey-nice to meet you- i love you-bye gets out the door and i am left all alone again.
My thoughts are consumed by him. Why was he so familiar with me and then went to not saying a single word while we were in the living room? Why did he left without hugging me one more time ar at least give me something more to think about? I go back to the sofa and this time i sit in the same place that he just sat so that i can try and feel what he Felt a few moments ago. When i sit down i feel something hard under me and get up imediatly to see what is there. A set of keys. I Take them into my hands and flip them to try Find the owner. I know Lucy has charm on hers with her name so this are in no way hers. There was only one person that sat on this sofa with me. Aiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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