1. And So it Begins

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Be You:
You find this phrase confusing and meaningless as you have never been anyone but yourself. You are and always have been [Name]. You have met several of your friends via a crappy chat client from 2009. The chumhandle you posses and maintain is [maritimeEternal], abbreviated, this spells [ME]. This is your one and only chumhandle not only because it has been mysteriously placed upon you, but because this same chat client doesn't allow you to change it. You find yourself in front of one of your friend's apartment buildings. What was his name? Ah, yes! Karkat is the one who had invited you over for a lovely movie night with his other friends, those of which you know you have not met. You politely knock and hear a lazy groan from inside. A short, fuzzy haired troll answered.
"You're early, [Name]." His grumpy attitude is in perfect condition.
You glance down at the clock on your phone. 6:58 PM
"Wha- by like two minutes!" You protest.
"Whatever. Just hurry up and get your ass inside," He rolled his eyes and opened the door just wide enough for you to squeeze by. You prance in, finding his inhabitance to be a little bit of a mess. It didn't bother you all too much but a portion of your body resisted trying to clean. You sat upon the sofa in what was poorly squared off as a lounging area and began to let your mind wander. Now, how did trolls and humans even come to be? Well, you don't remember details, or exact history. But from what you were taught, it started like it has before. The segregation of the two, eventual protests, fighting, the winning of rights, and in the end it sort of fell into the way it is now. With some tiny parts of the world still in the past, but you couldn't help it, humans had been like that since the beginning. A ring of the doorbell awoke you back to reality and you were greeted by yet two more trolls. The slightly taller of the two wore Clown-like face paint that left you slightly unsettled as you somewhat feared the devilish creatures.
"Yo! What is up?" His voice left you even more unsettled as it sounded as if it, and his very sanity, could crack at any moment. But the two others seemed unconcerned so you hesitantly put that thought to rest. "I'm Gamzee, and this brother next to me is Tavros." He sounded and smelled like there had been, or currently were, narcotics in his system. You turned to the other whose wheelchair caught your eye but they quickly flashed up to meet his. His delightful and bashful nature seemed to caused your heart to settle from his face-painted friend.
"Heh.. Um hi there!" This one's voice is much more pleasant to hear and put you at ease.
"It's good to meet you two! I'm [Name]." You smiled pleasantly at the two. As they sat down, you began to observe how their mannerisms, and relationship were..... odd. The clown one, Gamzee, you remembered, seemed particularly affectionate to both Karkat and the wide-horned troll. Tavros, that's him! You thought it strange the way they interacted. But you knew little detail about troll relationships to begin with so you dismissed it. Another troll seemed to simply walk into the apartment without even so much as a knock before hand.
"Sollux, how many times will you just fucking nonchalantly enter my hive like an ignorant fucking toddler on stilts with no comprehension of basic decency?!" Karkat stood up and began to "greet" the bespectacled troll.
"Kk, I don't give a shit about your thtupid fucking "hive rules" or whatever." He looked as if he rolled his eyes under those glasses but you couldn't exactly tell. "You athked me two come and I came. Who ith thith?" He questioned, pointing to you.
"As I was going to say, I made a human friend, you fuckface." Kakat stood behind you with a smug grin.
"Oh thit. Tho you actually thucceeded in making an actual human friend, huh?" Sollux, as you remember being said, looked surprised to hear the words come from Karkat's mouth.
"Um..is there something I'm missing?" You interrupted the two of them.
"Oh! Right, well thince thith jackath is always like thith, I bet him that he couldn't make and maintain one fucking human friend. Tho, I gueth I owe him twenty buckth now.." Sollux seemed impressed yet somewhat disappointed.
"Shit. Sorry! I didn't know that you two had arranged anything like that. H-here, I can pay the bet!" You began to panic and apologize. The boy behind the bicolour glasses snickered.
"Hey, hey! It'th fine. You don't have to do that." He insisted. You were going to respond but a loud burst at the door interrupted everyone. After glancing around and taking note of all the unpleasant looks and just one blank expression, you decided to trot over to the door and answer it. A very tall, and quite muscular young man stood before you. He rubbed the fingerless gloves that remained on his hands and looked above you, through the door while almost completely avoiding eye contact with you.
"Is there something I can help you with?" You asked in a somewhat annoyed tone.
"Low blood, would you refer me to the highest blooded one here." His voice was low, husky and his sweat was getting everywhere.
"Hey, uhh, Gamzee was it? I think this guy wants to talk to you" You called after behind you.
"Sup sis? Oh! Equius! What's up, motherfucker?" Gamzee draped his arm over Equius' shoulder.
"Uhh Highblood, am I permitted to enter?" The blue blood looked slightly anxious as he tensed up at Gamzee's touch. The general essence of this tall, muscular guy made you feel uncomfortable to say the least, but you were going to play nice and act like it didn't bother you.
"Yeah, bro. Get on in that, motherfucker!" Gamzee flailed his arm toward the door.
'Yes,' you thought, 'definitely high on something.' You stepped out and widened the door for them both to walk in and followed behind. When Equius entered the room, everyone seemed to quiet down and their expressions changed drastically. As you looked around, you realised that not only were you the only human, you were the only girl!
You shuffled around a bit in your seat at this news and no one else seemed to notice or really care. Though he made you unconformable, you decided to talk to this Equius-guy and see just what his deal was. He was stubborn and tense when your conversation began, but he loosened up and became very friendly after you mentioned your Horse-back riding experiences. You remember that Karkat informed you that him Equius speaking kindly to most "low bloods" was rare, which gave you a new sense of pride over your conversation with him. There was a great knock to the door, as if to announce the presence of the very person that stood behind it. A few of the trolls held a similar look as to when Equius knocked. You swiftly moved to place yourself in front of the door, everyone else seemed too..."busy" to attend to it. You opened the door and lightly rested yourself on the outside frame.
"Hmm? Oh, hello human. Is Kar here? Wwe havve a thing and you are standing between me and it." Just who the fuck does this purple-caped bastard think he is?
"Uh.. what?" You were caught off guard by this. At least that tough guy was nice about saying it but this, this was just rude. "Hi!" You played nice a little longer, "I'm [Name]! Who might you be?" You smiled up at him.
"Eridan," he scanned you, "Eridan Ampora: Prince of Hope" he answered you fully and carefully scooted around you. Who in the hell was that? And why was that necessary? Did he think you had rabies or something? This you couldn't just brush off, he was more rude than everyone in the room combined! So much for introductions... You walked in and sat down in the very same spot you now regretted getting up from.
"Oh look who it is, the Prince with No Hope!" Karkat stood up and began yelling.
"Dammit, Kar! I told you to stop callin me that! It's reely rude!" Eridan shouted back.
"Whatever fishdick! Jutht thit down already!" Sollux cut in. 'Oh no..' You examined the three of them. It was if the arguing didn't stop after that! FishPrince was yelling at Sollux, with Sollux yelling back, along with Karkat yelling at the both of them. Your head began to swell in an enormous ache that began to strike pain throughout your head. The yelling continued. You could tell Tavros and Equius noticed your pain and looked back toward the trio of idiots. You couldn't take it much longer, your head might burst. And snap, there you went.
"Look I get that this is a wonderful heartfelt reunion but can you all just Shut Up!" You stood tall to declare your irritated feeling. Every person's eyes met your figure. "I uh... Sorry, it's just really annoying..." You slowly settled yourself back upon your seat, slightly embarrassed at your outburst.
"She'th right" Sollux sat down next to you and gave you a quick smile, "thith ith pretty fucking thtupid." Karkat looked upset at the sudden stop in their conversation but sat back upon the sofa with his arms crossed. Eridan shot you a small glare but swiftly sat in a lone chair, facing the circle. There was a very long silence before Karkat snatch the remote from the table and turned up the volume for the television. Laughter was exchanged between everyone as you all found the infomercials to be absolutely ridiculous. Conversation picked up again and it eventually returned to the way it was. Time continued, and it felt like the Sollux-guy liked talking to you! Tavros and you traded quite a few fiduspawn creatures too! And you seemed to get along okay with the clown guy and Equius. Overall, you rated this evening a success. It was only Eridan who was left. You sighed to yourself but decided to try one more time.

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