Hello. My name is Aeris, and I reside in the creativerse. The creativerse is a place I like to come to when I need to relax or just do what I do, Create.I see you are here to learn, are you not? Come, take a seat, and let me tell you about myself first.
I am what people call a Zyel creator, and that title doesn't come lightly.
What's a zyel you ask? Well, Lets start from the top. Or the bottom, where you're at.You are a seed creator. A creator that hasn't even budded yet. You have curiosity and all the potential you can imagine, but you don't know where to start.
The rank right above you is a budding creator. This is when you understand the basics and are ready to create your first thing.
And above that is a blooming creator. Blooming creators have started creating but aren't quite good yet. They don't have the experience yet to get to the next rank.
The rank after blooming is where I stand. A Zyel, like me, has made many things from creatures to machines, you have to work hard to get to my spot, but even then there is one more rank. A rank that only a select few have accomplished.
The king creator. This is the rank for the most talented of all creators, and one day I aspire to be one. Up there with the greats, Rebecca Sugar, Andrew Hussie, Lauren Faust. Oh that is the life.
Oh did I lose you there? Here have some chai tea. It happens to keep me awake so I would suppose it would do so for you too.
The creativerse you ask? Well, its a place where all the creators, seeds and Kings alike, thrive and prosper. Creating what they want as they please. Its calm and tranquil. Untill you get to the outlets. The outlets consist of social media and the outside world. Outlets are battlegrounds and scary as all hell.
One day you'll need an outlet and you'll have to be prepared for thieves, trolls, and cancelers, but as long as you have me as your teacher, you will learn how to defend yourself in time.
My, This conversation was short, and I have to go. Think about what you have learned and I'll see you again soon.
The basics: the do's and dont's of character creation
Randomthis is the first and most important book of my series called "the basics" where i teach you the basics of creating characters from all over the fandomverse. from wings of fire to homestuck there is no limit on how much you can make.