The hogwarts chronicles

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Ok I do not own Any of j.k. Rowling's original characters !


5th year Ravenclaw, Rose Nymphadora Weasley was in the library, as she was most lunchtimes, reading books and re-redoing her homework after discovering another interesting fact that she couldn't miss.

As she looked through books she had read for five years a strange feeling occurred. It felt like someone was watching her!! She stood up and headed towards a bookcase furthest away from where she was sitting. As she got closer she heard voices .... One of them she vaguely recognized.

"I'm telling you Scorpius she doesn't like you!"

"But what if she does?"

"Pull yourself together and listen to me!!"

"Look Albus, I don't care if I get hurt, I just have to know! Please?"

"Fine, go ahead but dont forget i warned you!"

Rose backed away as her cousin came storming round the corner.


So i have decided to write another story and i have really enjoyed writing this .... This is just an intro and the next chapter will be written from rose's point if view

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