PruIta: Do You Love Me or Him?

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((This is my first PruIta fic and will probably be horrible, but oh well. I'm writing it anyways~))

" you...uh.." Gilbert stood in the meadow, Feliciano right in front of him. They were taking a walk when they suddenly ended up here, "The Awesome" Gilbert stuttering out his words, and the bubbly Italian listening to every single thing.

"What I'm trying to say you love Ludwig?" The Prussian finally said.

"Ve~ I-a actually only think of-a him as my best-a friend! Why do you-a ask?" Feliciano responded

Suddenly, Gilbert filled with hope, "Oh, n-no reason. I just wanted to ask you."

The two stood in silence for a while before the albino spoke again. "If you don't love bruder then who do you love?"

"Well let's see...he-a helps me when I'm-a scared, he lets me-a cuddle him when I'm-a upset. He has red eyes, white-a hair, the cutest grin that's-a always on his face, and..he's-a standing right in front-a of me..."

Gilbert's heart stopped, then it started beating 100 miles per hour. Feli loved him, he really loved him! "Y-you love me?"

"Sì," Feli responded, looking almost sad, "and I-a understand if you-a don't feel the sa-mmph" he was cut off when a pair of lips met his own. Feli's eyes widened, Gilbert was kissing him. He immediately started kissing back, enjoying every second of this.

Once they pulled away, Gilbert was the first to speak, "I-if you didn't understand meant ich leibe dich."

"T-ti amo tanto!" Feli screamed crushing the Prussian in a hug.

Gilbert hugged back. He leaned down to Feliciano's ear and whispered, "Ich leibe dich, Meine süße teigwaren fresser."

((How did you like it? Here are the translations:
Ich leibe dich- I love you
Ti amo tanto- I love you so much
Ich leibe dich, mein süße teigwaren fresser- I love you, my sweet pasta eater
I will update soon, ciao bella!))

Hetalia Oneshots (Yaoi, Yuri, x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now