The life of lillyana

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I Came From A Mother Who Struggled And A dad That Never Cared. I have 1 Brother Named Jake And A Little Sister Named Tadestiny We Keep Our Heads Up Even if were Down. Im 16 My brother Is 23 and my little sister is 14 finna be 15. some people get were we come from and some people don't it may look like we don't struggle because my mom rather help us then do anything else but when i was a little girl me and my sister and brother use to call my dad and ask can he come pick us up and he say yes and we wait for hours and the only one who belived that he was coming was Tadestiny she be outside 11, 12 at night crying because he lied to us. 

Tadestiny Grew Up without her dad. She had Nothing but us and her mom. Tadestiny well her nick name is desey and pig but we call her desey but desey went threw alot at a young age and she been fliped on by friends they calld her fake ah bitch a thot and many more i mean if they wre put in desey shoes they know what she go threw but trust me my sister is ah cool person yall might not be friends she still going to make sure nobody talk about you trust me i seen it with my own. like oneday the kids in the neighborhod  called this girl thottheana  annd my sister said yall chill dont talk bout her cause soon as she hear the shit she gona go off and come in my mf face and im not with that shit. 

I sometime wonder do people don't be cool with her because she pretty or that sshhe smaller then ou and you want to be a fucking bully and fight her cause she smaller then you but lestin that don't matter. You may get were im coming from but if you don't well that's you but if you have Beef with Tadestiny or just don't like her comment on this chapter, and tell me why 

Jake Grew Up without His dad nor. his mama because he stayed with his aunt. jake is 23 now and he now is a chicago dancer which were desey is going to be. jake is the type of person that is over protective over desey because she younger and went threw alot but me he also is but i mean i don't care and desey tell you the same till this day we don't call text or noothing to our dad because we say it how it is if you didn't wanna be in our lives back then then why now desey told us that .

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