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She stared out the window just standing there not moving a mussel her  

eyes dark with rage what seemed like over an hour  was only a few  

secounds it must have been the hate it the room that made the moments  

painful bright lights shined through the window a car.... at that  

point my pulse quickend and it became hard to breath our next victum  

she turned to me " are you going to screw this one up 2? Because if  

you are I will end you faster than you can prepare you self for the  

pain" my breath seemed to be caught in my throat "no ma'am I won't and  

I apalogise" by this time she had made her was across the floor where  

I was standing I hadent noticed because I was staring at my feet to  

ashamed to look up I felt her clammy palm sweep across my faze  

thinking she was forgiving me I looked up " don't let it happen again  

your pathodic  " her palm conected with my face with a loud sound the  

sting was painful "I will kill my own offspring don't put it past me I  

did with Kale he was just like you are" she spit the words at me she  

knew I would flich at the though she grinned. I was there when she killed my older  

brother with that we walked out side to where we would commit another  

crime "hello?" I asked in a sweet and trobled voice "yes what's wrong"  

the voice replied my mom sent me to ask you if you had a cigrett  

please say you do because she will heart me if you don't I steped into  

the light my blonde hair pined into a neat but the red mark where  

mother just slapped me visable "ohh my darling what happed"he Asked  

curiously" the l-last person wouldn't give her a cigrett" I mumbled  

softly I knew I was ruing some innocent mans life but it was the only  

way I could save jordyn's and haley's lifes " Where is your mother?!"  

he almost yelled "in her room #11b he mArched up stairs to our decoy  

apartment he slammed the door behind him that was his first mistake he  

walked into the bedroom of my mother "what the hell do you think your  

doing snaking you kid?!  rage filled his voice something no other  

victum did " my my my well hello there thank you for

  comming into my home with out knocking first now please leave that  

was my que I screamed I know I made

my brother roll over In his grave what I was doing anyways he dis  

agreed I did to but it was the only was I could live. he ran out side  

and I grabed the knife next to me and sliced of his right arm fast but  

carfully mother put the measuring cup under his arm to collect 1 1/2  

cups of blood  then we left got into the car and we would never see  

this town again I felt horrible because I could fell the hatrude of so  

many people and the only person I cared about was so ashamed.

this ones for KaleWhere stories live. Discover now