New boy

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Your POV:
It was a normal day at school. The jocks were being the jocks, the cheerleaders acting basic as ever, the nerds where being nerds, and every other group of people in the school where being them. You where in English right now and it was boring. The teacher was practically asleep. You all were told to finish your project because it was due next week. Luckily you had already finished two weeks ago.

You where just about to start reading a Wattpad book,when the door had opened and in walked a tall guy. You had never seen him before and you knew everyone at school. You were a quite Girl. You never really talked to a lot of people. The boy was tall and muscular, he had brown curly hair, freckles, and blue eyes (The picture above is him). You couldn't keep your eyes off of him. He ended up sitting next to you because it was the only seat left open. After he sat down, some of the cheerleaders tried to hit on him. You felt your self get a little self conscience. You thought why would he like someone with y/h and y/e. You slowly started to get your self more and more upset. You then noticed a note, you opens it and it said "are you okay? You look upset."You then looked over to ur side and he looked like he was concerned. You said you were fine and you guys had a small convo. You found out his name c/n, he has a lot of the same interest as you. You had also got his number too!!

~time skip a couple of weeks~

It's been a couple of weeks and you and C/n have gotten really close. Right now you guys where hanging out watching a movie. You where laying on his bed with your head on his shoulder while his arm was drawing shapes on your side. (Kinda like this vv)

You where talking about a scene that had just happened

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You where talking about a scene that had just happened. It was about a boy and a girl confessing their love to each other. You then had started to think out loud not realizing it. You had accidentally said you liked C/n and wished that had happened. Right after you said that you realized you were thinking out loud. You looked up at C/n to see if he had noticed and when you looked at him he had an amused look on his face. You then kept saying sorry over and over until you got cut off with his lips on yours. You were totally surprised but kissed back immediately. After a couple of seconds you guys pulled apart. C/n then said that he liked you and that he said "I was going to ask you out at the up coming dance." You were so shocked that he even liked you that you were speechless. He then said " Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend?" You immediately said "yes" you and him had the biggest smile on your faces. You guys kissed agian and finished watching the movies having a wonderful time. You where so happy that you had thought out loud because you couldn't be more happier than you where then.

~ A/N~ So this is my first ever story. I thought I was really cute and I'm yeahhh I hope you enjoy!!

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