How to kill a pretty girl

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Chapter One. (Raina)

Raina sat alone in her room.She could hear the rain outside her window, thumping atop the roof.The room was dark, lit only by the lamp that sat on her bedside table. The skys outside were a gloomy gray, it was particularly dark, odd because of the hour, only five o'clock, but only because of the heavy shower. Raina sat spinning in her black desk chair, bored by the her science homework, she found it to be more interesting spinning around in circles, than to do her homework. she stopped spinning and turned the chair around, to face her white desk. she pulled the chair forward, so that she was sitting at her desk. She stared at the thick science textbook that was open before her, and then at her paper which was half finished. "Only a few more questions, just do it , get it done with." she thought. With a groan she picked up her pencil and began writing down answers to her questions, her eyes skimmed over the pages in her textbook, her fingers brushing over the tips of the pages, as she looked for the answers to her science questions. A few questions and answers later, she was finished. Raina put the sheet in the textbook, and slapped it shut. She got up from her chair and walked across the tiny room to her white door.She walked down th short hallway, into the living room, where everything was quite. Her mother, Jane, was still not home and Raina suspected another late night, not really a big surprise, it was just like every other night. She didnt really care though, its not like Raina and her mother talked, Raina was normally locked up in here room, and here mother never really bothered to come in and talk to her, so Raina was used to being alone, but the quiet in the house was bothtering her, she grabbed the remote control and turned on the T.V. The television bored her, she went back to her room and sat on her bed, thinking abot how different her life was from everybody elses as she listened to her ipod alone on her bed for hours, at nine thirty, Raina got up and went to her bathroom to get ready for bed, she stepped out of the bathroom when she finished and collasped onto her bed, she looked over at the digital clocks red lights on her nightstand, ten o'clock. By the time her mom got home, Raina was already drifting off to sleep...

Chapter Two

Raina was awakened by what sounded like a huge rock being thrown at her frontdoor, she waited, and heard nothing, she lay back down, thinking it was nothing, probley just a stupid bird or what not, she closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep... PAP! Raina screamed and shot out of the bed, PAP PAP,PAP! It sounded like a shot gun was shooting rocks at her window, Raina screamed and ducked, afraid someone was trying to hurt her, more shots come barreling at her window and all around her house, Raina shut her eyes and started screaming hysterically as more shots came exploding at the window,"STOP! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!"She said screaming and crying. Her mother bursted thourgh the door and switched on the light in a panic. She looked down to see here daughter in ball rocking back forth with her hands over her ears and her eyes shut screaming stop at the top of her lungs. "WHAT IS IT, WHATS WRONG?!?!" her mother screamed over Rainas cries.Raina continued to scream,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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