first day part2

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Roc royal POV

So today for some reason star sat next to me, i didnt know what to say or do she just looked at me and smiled, then the words that came out of her mouth just took me out of my trans and brought me back to the real world...

star:hey, is this seat taken?(she asked with an innocent look on her face) said still thinking about her)

star:uh..hello,is anybody home?(waving her hand in his face), you can sit here if you want to..or not.. you know, if there's a better seat..but i'm just saying(sounding all nervous)

star:no i think i like this seat right here(she said while getting into her seat)..i'm star by the way

me:i know.. i mean i'm chresanto, nice to meet you

star:nice to meet you too

princeton POV

As class began my number one girl walked in the room, i swear i could feel myself drooling becoz i was looking so hard just taking one good look at her body then i realised that she was coming to sit next to me so i did what i always do, try not to blush

babydoll:hey can i sit here?


babydoll: dont worry, i dont bite like the rest of the girls here(giggles)

me:oh i'm not worry, my name is jacob

babydoll:breaunna,nice to meet you

me:same here

so everyone did their intros and all, prodigy meet bahja and ray ray meet nicky and the day carried on like normal or did it at night.If you want to find out coment on the chapter

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