Chapter 8 - Welcome to hell

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As the coldest becomes heat on Grimp, a police officer thinking on how he did that. How did he know everything.

Detective: hey! Hey! What happened to you... You look like a caught with a ghost or something.

Police officer: i don't know detective but, that guy knows everything.

Detective(alittle shock of face):hmmm? knows everything huh! How can that be what evidence you can say that he has a....

Police officer: this sir look at this the pictures are disappeared...

Detective: really this is just a photo empty scarp thing...

Police officer: really sir. If you don't ask him for yourself.

Detective can't believe all the words of police officer said to him. So he ask the boy and the girl private room by using force pulling at the room along with Sophia.

Grimp: hey,. Hey,. Watch it Sir...

Sophia: yeah,,, what do we do to you anyway. We, I mean he solved the case.

Detective pointed Sophia..
Detective(angry but calm): shut up girl. (Along with a pointing finger in the face.) You boy, what do you do. How did you do all that, are you a devil from hell or a crazy man.

Grimp: I don't know sir, when I see that picture that your holding now, I don't know why disappeared, but to tell you almost 20 years of coldest case just that police officer investigating for a long year, he said I solve it with a snap of his finger...

Detective: just he said to me lately, he looks shock And relieved and very unbelievable..

Sophia shock to but not showing off to her face while she's looking at the pictures with no picture..just empty

Detective: you two, will come with me now. Now that this place has been solve for years. Let's go now..

Grimp and Sophia both of them was taken to police center association Greenville. The place were the detective was working on...

Detective: please sit down.

Sophia and grimp sit down and silent and don't know what will happen next.

Detective: (breathe hard). I don't know what happened their at the hotel, so many body for year of looking and surveillance of police everyday, no activity motion, no nothing... But you, you just snap your Finger then boom. Solved.. who are you then.

Grimp: we are normal person.

Detective: on the face of your emotions to me as experienced detective. I know your lying to me. If you like lying to someone then try me then.

Sophia immediately reacted but grimp stop her from speaking and grimp give him a challenge that detection can't resist..

Grimp: Sophia stop... Let me handle this. OK.

Detective: looks to me your ready to talk with. A reminder to you I don't believed in supernatural or thriller or mystery think they called for... Sorry not me.

Grimp: oh... If I say to now that the real killer was here then, or should I explain it to the police officer the incomplete detail of the real killer was here then. Do you want the real stories behind this pictures that's in your pocket.

Detective thinking he thinking that it's solved now and what order thing we don't know, hmmm... Who is this guy anyway (scrambled in detective's mind)

Detective(playing games with grimp): killer? Here? (Laughing loud that heared to the head quarters). Your stupid, (detective stand up to his chair, walks towards between Sophia and grimp and sits at his desk between them and laughing) don't make me laugh boy. Killer here come on(detective look straight eye to eye with grimp.)

Grimp(serious face): you really insane don't you. Detective there's a killer here just laughing about it..

Detective: boy I know what routine their doing here I know what I assigned police officer who can look out to that hotel and no motivation was found our noise's was heared.

Sophia(big eyed shock): wait you mean the man you pin pointed at the room 108 is just a...

Detective turn around and listen to Sophia.

Grimp: yes, honey he his the...

Detective(shock): wait don't tell me he's the...

Grimp: wait detective. He will not talk you must know that if the killer was here then his death was short now.. if you know what I mean.

Sophia open the door immediately and all of his men's was listening but a man was walk out.

Grimp: detective.

Detective: what.... (Shout)

Grimp: the killer was walking out now. Hurry now if he escaped we are next to be target, and I know his a professional but in jail his not.

Detective immediately run out his office then he saw a police man walking toward the door entrance, exiting.

Detective(shouting): get him now... Hurry up go go go...

All the policemen immediately acts runs as fast as they can.. but the policemen has a gun, for him to escape and shot down all he can to escape for surrounded and captured..

The killer was available to escape. Slots of policeman was injured and some was shot straight to the heart and immediately died. Some headshots..

Grimp and Sophia was calm and grimp hug her future wife while their was gun fire outside...

The detective was shot at the left shoulder but he will survive.

After a skidding rubber of car tires the killer was escape for good.

Then a policeman radio a ambulance and paramedic for assistance to those who been shot.

Some policeman was not been shot trying to pursue the killer but all the motorcycle and mobile cars was flatten tires...

Sophia saw the detective was hurt, she immediately help the detective to stop the bleeding and survive this improper investigation. But grimps looks at the detective, a sharp eye he saw to the boy and winking his head left to right movement. He's signing that you wasted your time on me sir.

But grimp, still help him and the detective was unconscious but still breathing..

An ambulance was arrive just in time. Immediately treated all wounded policeman and take away all of 6 policeman who been shot to the neck, heart and head...

Sophia and grimp still treated a paramedic for sure of them that they did not get hurt.

A minute late the detective was now conscious and cured while he was at the room of his office.. staying with grimp and Sophia beside him..

Detective: boy(ouch)... What can I help you to do this case for us. If you want a job as a detective you will be me partner and Sophia will be our exclusive report I have a best job for her he can be a manager with a higher salary and with protection as well. And you will be are best detective

To be continued

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