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"Akira!" I waved to my friend.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I don't know. I think I want to be a demon slayer though. Where's Shiemi?" I looked around for the shy girl.
"I don't know. Where is Shiemi?"
"Sorry I'm late!" I turned around and saw her running to us.
,What were you even doing?"
"I was making something." I tilted my head in curiosity.
"What were you making?"
"Hm? N-nothing!" She looked away. I walked up closely to her.
"What are you hiding?"
"N-nothing!" I smiled and gave her some space.Hey,hey Akira! Can you play your flute?" He nodded and walked towards the cliff with his flute. There was a big rock and Akira sat on it. He put the flute up to his lips and blew in it whiling moving his fingers. Shiemi rocked her head side to side while listening to Akira play the flute. I stood next to Shiemi smiling. Once Akira was done playing the song I ran next to him and tried to sit on the rock as well.
"Move your butt Akira." He scooted so Shiemi and I could sit on the rock.
"Shiemi what do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I-I don't know. I don't really know what I really want to be right now. Maybe in the future I know what I'll want to be." "Akira said he wanted to be a demon slayer!"
"W-well what do you want to be?" I paused for a bit.
"I don't know." She stared at me with her light blue and minty eyes. I stared at her back.
"We have to go back. We might be in trouble right now." Both Shiemi and I nod our heads and followed Akira back into the village.

"Where were you three?!" We all got yelled at by a old man that we were slaves for. That's right. We were slaves. This whole village.
"S-sorry sir. It was my fault."
"Don't blame Shiemi. Blame me."
"It was me sir. Don't blame Akira or Shiemi. I told Akira to play a song so he did." The old man nodded his head and slapped me. I fell to the ground holding my left cheek in pain.
"No dinner for a week. And for the two of you," he looked towards Shiemi and Akira,
"Don't even think about giving her food." They nodded their heads. The guy that took us in was terrible, but he provided us with food, water, and shelter. Even though the whole village was basically a cage for everyone in it, it was still very nice. Majority of the people were kind and welcoming, well when I say majority I mean only the slaves.

I sat in my cage with a ice pack in my hand. My stomach grumbled in hunger. I slapped my cheeks to try and take food off my mind. "(Y/N)." I heard Akira and Shiemi whisper to me. They were sneaking to me. I smiled at them happily. They both handed their left over bread and gave me some water. I thanked them and quickly ate the bread and drank the water. They both quickly sneaked away not wanting to get in trouble. I then laid on my side trying to fall asleep.

The next morning I had to get up to wash the clothes. I was free from the cage. But only for a bit. I started washing all the sheets, clothes, and other cloths. Akira and Shiemi had hung them up. I went back inside to clean the whole house. Next I had to collect water and food with Akira and Shiemi. We didn't really get time to talk to each other so we would always take these chances.
"Did you know that these plants help with healing cuts?" Shiemi picked up a weird looking plant.
"Whaaa?" I tilted my head in confusion. Shiemi smiled and Akira just sigh and hit my head.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"Idiot. I thought everyone knew about that plant."
"Well I don't." "That's because your stupid." I threw a punch at his arm.
"Ow! What was that for?!" I turned away giving him sass. I started walking again. I could faintly hear them talk about my punch. Apparently it gave him a bruise.

We all got to a clean river where everyone would collect water. Once we did we all started to collect water and to walked back.
"Oh no." Shiemi was worried.
"What's wrong?"
"It's getting dark." I stared at the sky. Akira went wide eyes.
"We have to get home quickly before demons come attack us!" We all started to run quickly back. Shiemi was running the fastest. She was light and quick. Akira was the most talented and skilled. I was the strength and power in the group. We all started trying to run faster. The sky was getting darker. I had a hard time seeing and almost tripped, but caught myself. Once we were at the village it was night. We all quickly ran in the house not wanting to be food. The old man stared at us.
"What took so long?" We tried to catch our breaths.

We all woke up and suddenly I wanted to escape. 'I don't want to live like this anymore.' I stared at Shiemi's soft red hair and Akira's dark black hair. I looked outside and the sun was rising. The only thing on my mind was escaping with only Shiemi and Akira. It was selfish to only think about us, but there was no way that we could all escape. I stared outside again and got up. I walked towards the old mans room, but he wasn't there. I then heard a scream in our room. I ran back and saw that the old man had broke Shiemi's leg. I was wide eyes. I never felt so much fear wash over me. Akira was begging on his knees for the old man to let go of Shiemi. I stared at the whole thing going on. I saw the old mans booze. It was near me so I grabbed it and ran at him with it. I hit his head with it making him go unconscious and probably dead. I told Akira to grab Shiemi and run outside while I grabbed things that we would need. There was a bag with limited stuff. I tried to get things that were small enough to carry with us, but won't weigh us down too much. When I went outside I saw that the other old mans family member were trying to get Shiemi and Akira to stay in the village. They pulled Shiemi's hair and Akira's face was pushed to the ground. I grabbed a log and ran to them swing it around. I then quickly pulled up Akira and putted both Shiemi and Akira over my shoulders running away. 'I'll come back for the rest of you. I promise!' I kept running and running. I could hear some of them following us. I didn't want to leave Akira or Shiemi. I was getting tired and was slowing down from how tired I was and from the weigh pulling me down. I hid the three of us in a bush near by that was tall enough to cover us all. I prayed to the gods that they would just leave us alone. I started to tear up a bit. Shiemi was shiver from the cold so I hugged her tightly to me and gave my haori to Akira.

When I woke up it was morning. I yawned and sat up. Akira was up as well. He was eating some berries. I went up to him and smiled.
"Do you know if they are poisonous?" He nodded his head.
"Shiemi has a book about what are herbs and and what are poisonous." I nodded my head. "I also wrap up Shiemi's leg." I nodded.
"Your so skilled at so many things Akira." He nodded his head. I smiled widely at him. I got up to give some water to Shiemi.
"Did you get any water?" She shook her head.
"(Y/N)...... Where are going to go? W-we don't know anyone outside from the village." I paused and thought for a bit. "We can move to a certain village. We will change our lives. We will restart everything." She seem shocked.
"But..... It won't be easy Shiemi. We need a plan. If they are able to know that we escaped.... They will return us to the village and we could die or get tortured." She seemed to be scared. I smiled at her warmly and took her hands in mine. "I'm sure if we work hard and carefully we will achieve what we want." She nodded her head.

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