The Tears

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"Hey -" Taehyung's driver/bodyguard loudly exclaimed as he stood straight and waved his right hand in the air, in a rather enthusiastic manner, with a smile that was unwavering. He was about to question his young master how the talk with the young miss went but then as soon as Taehyung neared the spot where he and the car was parked, he then notice how his young master's eyes seemed puffy. He had a feeling that he had just been recently crying and so he chose to shut his mouth up as he bowed down and waited for Taehyung to reach him. He didn't want to pry further as he knew just by the looks of it, Taehyung was already hurting enough. He had served him quite long enough to know him very well inside and out.

"Can we leave now? Or do we have to stay until the event finishes off?" Taehyung asked, his tone a tad bit lower than usual, speaking softly but loud enough for his personal driver/bodyguard to hear. His face was void of any emotions except for his eyes that seemed to drown with such sadness.

"You can do whatever you please Tae. If you decide to leave, no one has the right to stop you doing as such." His driver/bodyguard replied as he stood straight up and softly smiled at the young man. "Would you like to leave now?" He continued to ask the young man who had responded with a soft nod as he looked away from the old man and placed each of his hand on his waist while biting his lip, a habit he does when he wishes to stop himself from crying. "Alright. I'll go and inform the headmaster of our departure. It would be rude if we would just leave without informing them. Just please go wait for me in the car. I'll be right back in a jiff." The old man had said as he took a small bow and rushed away, off to meet with the headmaster.

Taehyung just released a heavy sigh as he went in of the car, lying his head back as he closed his eyes while his tears continued to fall down. He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked up at the hood of the car, tears still falling down continuously. He knew he fucked up and he didn't know how he would make it up to her. The image of her crying was still fresh in his memory and it continued to make his heart twist and turn in a rather painful way, causing him to cry more although rather silently as he never had cried out loud before. He was always silent, tears would just continuously fall down from his eyes and he never had made a sound. He didn't understand why but maybe because he didn't like it when people would hear him crying, much worse see him crying. Only a few people had seen him in such a state. One was his driver/bodyguard, two was his childhood bestfriend, and lastly, but only on rare occassions, was his beloved Jisoo.

A few moments later, his driver/bodyguard returned with a basket of what seemed to be fresh fruits and vegetables wrapped up in a transparent wrapper and was tied with a ribbon. Taehyung deadpan looks at it as the old man placed it on the passenger seat beside the driver's carefully, buckling it with a seat belt to secure it from moving around too much throughout the ride.

"It's a small gift from the entire school community. And ah -! Here, the headmaster said it was made personally by the students. Would you like to see it now? Or perhaps later?" The driver asked as he lifted up a brown envelope with his right hand.

Taehyung just went to grab the envelope which the driver had passed to him. As soon as he grabbed a hold of the said envelope, the driver began to start the engine and started to head home. Taehyung looked at the envelope with curiousity as he debated on whether he should open it or not. In the end, he chose to open it to see what was inside.

His heart swelled up as he saw numerous papers filled of very interesting drawings that were creatively made by the children. He smiled weakly as he inspected them one by one. Most of them were drawings of a stick man with a hat and a tie with a messy 'Thank you Mr. Kim' written over or under it. He laughed softly as he saw more interesting drawings which made his driver smile a bit too as he saw how Taehyung seemed to start feeling a lot better already just by the children's drawings. One drawing caught the young man's eyes warming his heart as he saw how beautifully the drawing was made. It was a messy sketch of a small building, the kind where it had just a rectangular body and a trapezoid roof with the word 'school' written in a mixture of small and capital letters. Inside the building where people drawn as sticks. They looked different from each other with the different styles of their hairs and the clothes they wore. But what touched Taehyung was the short message written on the upper right side of the bondpaper that said 'Thanks a lot Mr. Kim for your generosity in helping make our school become a better second home for us orphans. I've always prayed that someone would be an angel to us and help us. And thankfully, God sent you. I hope he hears your prayer as well. Because you're such a good person.'

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