The Comfort

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"Jeon Jungkook! Get your ass back here young man!" Jeongyeon loudly screamed at her younger brother as she chased after him back to the shore. Apparantly the mischievous young man thought it was a good joke to pick his older sister off her feet, carrying her into the sea where the water reached his waist just to only throw her into the water before hastily making his way back to the shore.

Jungkook only had run about a while before Jeongyeon had caught him in a head lock before the two Jeon siblings literally had a wrestling match on the sand while everyone else had laughed at their childish fight. It could have went on for hours if not only for Irene who had told them to quit it and help out instead in setting up the tent and in getting the dry wood for the camp fire. The two immediately separated themselves and went to their group of friends

"Why do you two always argue and fight? I mean. You're no longer kids J." Jisoo had asked Jeongyeon, using the nickname she have for her as she goes to pick up some dry branches and twigs for the fire they're setting up later.

"I don't know. I guess it's our way of bonding you know?" Jeongyeon replied as she goes to dab further a towel over her soaked body. She was still wet from the incident earlier.

"All I see is a big sister picking on her younger brother though." Sana teased as she hung her arm lazily over Jeongyeon's shoulder. She was only nudged by the other female who rolled her eyes at her statement in reply.

"Oh please. Every siblings vary in how they show their love with each other. Me and Jungkook fighting is just our way of bonding, I guess." Jeongyeon replied as she removed Sana's arm from her shoulder so she could bend and pick up some branches as well on the trail they were in. "Jisoo can testify to that. Right Ji? You and your siblings must have this particular habit you all do together to bond, right?"

"Ah ye-yeah. We do." Jisoo stuttered as she awkwardly laughed before she goes to pick the last branch then slowly walking away back to camp, Jeongyeon and Sana following after her while exchanging looks at each other.


"Last one to get in is a definite sore loser!" Lisa exclaimed as everyone hurdled towards the water, running as fast as their feet would take them so they wouldn't come in last. In the end, Namjoon was the last one to reach, earning him a splash from everyone else. Not long after, Namjoon declared a water fight between the girls and boys. Meanwhile, Jisoo and Irene were still on shore, grilling some barbeque and fish, while smiling and occasionally laughing at the rowdy team having a messy water fight.

As Jisoo watched from afar, she couldn't help but ponder on what Jeongyeon had asked her earlier as she watched Jeongyeon clung on Jungkook's back with ease as Jungkook began chasing after Lisa who was on Namjoon's back.

"You and your siblings must have this particular habit you all do together to bond, right?"

She couldn't help but frown as she thought about the question while flipping the fish she was grilling to another side as she fanned it with a paper fan. Was there really something she and her siblings did together to bond? She always seemed distant with them while growing up. They do occassionally talked and maybe watched a few movies together. But the level of intimacy and comfort wasn't similar to that of the Jeon siblings. Perhaps when they were younger, they did bonded a lot. But as they grew up, and gotten busier. It seemed they only had been together when it was only meal time. Though they even seldom do that anymore when Namjoon often had overtime at work and Irene had events in the outskirts of town, leaving Jisoo with Lisa who even was too busy to maintain her scholarship grant by studying in her room.

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