Because I Had to (Natalie's version of a 1D Fanfiction)

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Sitting in my room, looking out the window, wishing for a social life is not the way to spend a Saturday evening.

Since Liam left over a year ago, I've lost touch. I have mutual friends, just not any close enough to hang out with outside of school. None like him.

I'll admit it early, I miss him more than my heart should. He left no means of contact, dropped his old cell number and I don't even have his new one. He hasn't been home in months and when he is, I'm never in the picture.

And then I see it.

There is a small figure sitting, well standing, at the end of the street. I can't make out the face of the person, but something in me tells me it him.

Unwrapping myself from my mound of blankets, I mindlessly wander to my bedroom door. Grabbing the nearest sweatshirt, I walk out in my socked feet.

I'm still walking blindly when the figure moves closer. My breath hitches, but I keep walking. So does the figure.

We are barley two feet apart when he says my name and I know it's him.


His hair is different, his accent has a different twinge to it. He smells like America.

I want to break down crying, fling my arms around him and live like we did before.

No. He's in a world famous boy band now. Touching him probably gets me arrested. I go for the 'stand there in shock' reaction.

His half shaded face turns to a look of confusion. "You okay?"

My brain registers that. I nod slowly and turn to walk away. I would have been successful, but he grabbed my arm. Surprisingly, I gasped at his touch and he released me instantly. "Say something."

"No," I choke out. And actually get five meters before he jogged up to me.

"Nat, what did I do?"

This got me ticked.

"What did you do? Hm, I don't know Liam! You left for the X-Factor! You made it! You came in third! You went on tour in America!" I was certain the neighbors were eavesdropping

."Still not seeing the problem here," The nerve of this guy! 

"You didn't care about me!" Hot, angry tears threatened my eyes. "It's going to take a lot to gain my trust, Payne!"

This time he let me walk away.


Truth be told, before he left, I had the tiniest of a crush on Liam Payne. We were inseperable. Not one without the other. Peanut bitter and jelly. Two peas in a pod. Whatever other analogy you can think of.

I never let him know though.

But I think he did. He always knew my secrets.

Yes, we were THAT close.

Anyway, with my crush came the heartbreak. I was just mustering up the courage to tell him my feelings when he broke the news.


I was sitting in my room, texting my friend, Ari, when Niall walked in. I had told him I had news and oddly enough, he did too.


"Yes..." Something about his tone was off.

"Good news or bad news?"


"I'm-I'm leaving for the X-Factor. My dream is coming true."

He said this part a little fast, and my brain had a hard time comprehending it.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm leaving,"

"Yeah, I got that part but the X-Factor? Liam, that's great!" My insides were screaming 'NOOOOO' because now I couldn't tell him my news.

"Glad you think that. If I make it though, I won't be home for a long time. I'll really miss you. More than anything." He had his sweet smile plastered on his lips, not knowing anything of what I was going to tell him.

"I realize, I'll miss you too" More than you probably would. I wanted to add.

"I've got to get going, mum's expecting me, a lot of work to do. What was your news?"

"Nothing as important as the X-Factor. Go, don't keep your mum waiting.

Like that, Liam was gone.


I remember that like it was yesterday. It's forever in my heart. 

But since then, I have moved on. Sure I haven't dated anyone, but I didn't turn into Bella from Twilight and mope in the corner.

Sure I cried sometimes, but I never had the spasm to cliff dive or crash a dirt bike. That would be ridiculous!

My parents never suspected anything was wrong and they were advidly trying to interfere with my life. It got a bit annoying having them breathe down your neck while your texting a friend about math homework. Yet, I knew better than to lash out. Their grounding punishments, regularly given to my younger sister, were not one to be taken lightly.

To sum my ranting up I kept to myself for the longshot. Never doing too little, never too much. Life was good.

Until he came back.

I haven't cried in a long time, actually. It was last year when I did. That was a bad day.

But lying face down on my pillow, silent tears being absorbed, I was clueless. Why does he hurt me so much? He was dislodged from my heart almost the moment he walked out of my room.

My phone, sitting on the endtable, buzzed repetitively. Groaning inwardly, I reached out and groped for the object.

Bringing the blinding light to my face, I squinted and read the messages that blinked back at me. 

#: Nat, it's Liam

Liam: hello?

Liam: I just wanna talk 2 u

Liam: please?

Charlotte: Heyy gurl! I hear Liam is back! Have u seen him yet?

Liam: the tree behind ur house. I'll be there until 10:30 if u don't come u'll never see me again

Ari: Nat! Did ya hear? Liam Payne is back! Now you can talk to him!

A new set of tears flooded my eyes. The pale glow of the clock read 10:15. If I didn't make up my mind, I'd never get to see him again. I didn't want to lose him, but I also didn't want him to think he has my friendship and trust back. 


I lost the mental argument I had in my mind. I was going, whether I liked it or not.


So tell me how I did. I haven't written anything like this ever in my life... I still love feedback...oh, and does anyone have a cover that could go with this story?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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