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Tears of pain I cry. I think to myself why does this always happen to me ?. Lord, what did I do to deserve this treatment. My parents put me through hell. At the age of nine my whole life flipped upside-down, Till this day it stays the same. I cry everyday and pray for my life to change but nothing seems to happen.. I never stop believing because that day will surely come. The thing that hurts the most is that I want my father dead. He done this to me, he is the reason why am life this. He has destroyed me and ripped me to pieces. My father sexually abuses me and my little sister Sasha. My mother knows what is going on but doesn't seem to pay attention to us. I know it hurts her inside but she just gets on with life and act like nothing going on. I have no friends and I've been through too much. I have bruises all-over my body and scratch marks on my back. My father wont let us leave the house without him. We don't have any phones in the house because he KNOWS that someone will call the police. At one point he stopped me from going to school so instead he locked me in my room for the whole summer holiday with just water, I wasn't allowed to come out until it was time to go back to school. Shit get to me fast and I just want to cry a river and float away and never come back. I've been through a lot my whole life and I just want it to stop. My name is Angelic Brown...

My sister called out to me I turned to see her running out the house in her underwear. She screams "Run Angelic Run!". I ran up to her and picked her up. "Are you ok ?!" . I looked at her face and instantly I knew it was him. "What did he do to you?". She just cried. I gave her my blazer and ran to the bus stop. I cried someone help me, my dad has been sexually abusing us!. As I pleaded for some to help us i fell on my knees as if the whole world was against me. there was no one in site.

Sasha's P.o.v

As i look at my sister crying i can see her pain releasing,she is my shes my everything. if anything happened to her my whole life would fall apart. seeing her cry is tearing me apart. i reached mu hand towards her she gripes my hand tightly and i pull her up. We walk hand in hand fearfully back home. As we approach our front door angelic pulls me behind her as i begin to cry. She hugs me and says "everything will be alright".

I Cry Tears Of PainWhere stories live. Discover now