Lost Love

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My fingers tensed around the object in my pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment's notice. Beads of sweat began to slide down the side of my face.

"She needs to get out of there," I whispered to our superior. He didn't respond. He stood there, watching the entrance to the South Branch Mafia den. I followed his gaze and felt my entire body convulse.


My legs quaked and gave out beneath me. The ground was cold and wet but I didn't care. My mind had gone numb. My limbs wouldn't work. My words caught in my throat.

There she was. My partner.

My partner with a gunshot wound right in her abdomen.

Before I could think, I was back on my feet, scrambling over to her as she wobbled out of the den. I suddenly became blatantly aware of my breathing. I was hyperventilating once I reached her side, tears forming in my eyes. She slowly turned her head to meet my eyes. She smiled weakly before collapsing in a heap on the ground.

"Jesse! Jesse! God, please no!"

I dropped to her side and turned her towards the sky, propping her neck on my shivering arm. Her beautiful brown eyes became visible as she attempted to look at me. She grinned upon seeing my face. Her face was full of so much pain. I softly smiled back, stifling the need to scream. Her hand rose to meet my cheek, drenched in both sweat and tears.

"Hey, so the deal didn't go well," she chuckled, which made her wince. She was trying so hard, so hard to put on a brave face. I was failing miserably. I was shaking and could no longer hold back my cries. She continued to caress my face. "Oh--- shhh. Don't cry. It's okay."

I couldn't speak. Words refused to form in my throat, it was dry. I reached into my pocket, clenching my hand around the object in my pocket. It was too late. I waited too long. My head dropped as I continued to sob.

It was too late.


I let eyes meet hers. Her brown eyes were now clouded with tears and she tried to speak.

"I—I'm really s-sorry," she squeaked. Her smile began to falter. "Y-you said this wasn't a good idea. You w-were right."

"Jesse, no. It's not your--- your fault."
She laughed.

How could she laugh in a situation like this? I was sitting here, feeling as all the color drained from my world, and she was laughing; and I couldn't help but laugh with her. Her laughter had always been contagious, even when everything was up in flames. She knew how to make me smile in the most bleak of situations. She knew how to give me energy, even when we were up until 3 a.m. at the station working on a case. I couldn't lose her.

I couldn't lose her.

I couldn't lose all those days we worked together. I couldn't lose all those nights we spent together.

My fingers tightened around the item in my pocket.
I couldn't lose her.


She stopped laughing to look towards me. I pulled the item out of my pocket with no further hesitation. Her fading eyes lit up.

"Damien?" she giggled. It seemed as if some color began to come back to her cheeks, as the color red continued to pool on the ground below us. "Perfect timing, huh."

We both chuckled.

She stopped abruptly, making direct eye contact with me. I stiffened. She shakily sat up and planted her lips on mine. I felt sparks radiate through my entire body; but it also felt as if all the electricity within my body was being sucked out, leaving a hollow vessel. Tears began spilling out of my eyes again as we shared one last kiss. She pulled away and plopped back down onto my arm.


She smiled at me as if the world wasn't crashing down around us. I smiled weakly as she lifted her hand. I slowly slid a ring on her finger. She looked at it, the entire universe of stars shining in her eyes; stars that quickly began to fade without warning.
Her body went limp in my arms.

"Jesse? Jesse?!"

I softly shook the body of my love in my arms to no avail.

I stopped.

My universe came crashing in.

I lost her.

My universe.


So I lied. I didn't write that one at 1 am and it was put through my friend/editor. I wrote it in virtual class when I had nothing else to do, and my friend checked over it. BUT IM TIRED AND WANT TO READ MORE. So I'll finish the story I started writing tonight tomorrow night because sleep is for the weak.

Anyways, I would love feedback and such on my writing. It would be greatly appreciated and would hopefully allow me to grow as a writer. So please, any notes or comments, feel free to let me know.

More short stories coming soon, and some day, I'll publish my books I've been working on.


— Me, the author

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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