What is Argon?

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I sulfur when you argon. But what is Argon? Argon is an element on the periodic table; actually one of the most common gases. Argon makes up a little over one percent of Earth's atmosphere, making it the third largest gas. Argon is in the form of gas at a regular temperature; also making it a non-metal. Along with it being a non-metal and a gas, it's also a poor conductor. To be a poor conductor means that electricity and heat cannot pass through it. Although it's main common use is light bulbs; it's not the electricity connecting with the gas, it's passing through the gas. Some more properties of Argon would be that it is not malleable, or capable of being pressed into foil. As well as it not being malleable, it isn't ductile, or capable of being stretched into a wire, either. Although it isn't malleable or ductile, when it is in solid form it does have luster, or shine.

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