Moving in

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Let me introduce my self, im Kayla im officially 15 since march its november now.. I have originally blonde hair, but i wanted to change for the summer so i died my hair brown, my hair is mid-length of my back, i have ( in my opionion ) pretty blue bright eyes. im about 5'5, im pretty short, im not model skinny, i have curves and a my stomache isent as flat as i would like it to be but thats why summer is coming for me to get abs!! just kidding, i have a pretty big family, 3 brothers but there in collage and a baby girl on the way. My mother, is tall as me, she has brown curly hair, and pretty green eyes. My father ( who i think i take more after, ) passed away about 4 years ago, r.i.p daddy. he had blonde hair and blue eyes also, but she was tall. My mom has a boyfriend, who currently lives with us. he's pretty tall if you ask me, he has blue eyes and black and white hair.. " hes getting old " . I am just warming up to him, we argue alot, but i guess he is not going anywere anytime soon so i just learned to get over it. Thats all my family.. Anyways to the story-- ** beep beep beep ** what the fuck? i look at my Samsung galaxy s5 and see it is 6:00 in the morning. " what the hell " i grumble to myself while looking out my window. I see a big white truck that says " moving helpers " . " What? " i say to my self but then quickly after remember my mom mumbling about new neighbors, but why are they here so early? They must have came from far away, and then i recognize the licence plate, " virginia ? " i whipser to myself, I see a pretty lady and a man get out of the truck, they open the truck and start bringing in most likely the most needed boxes inside, then the momwalks back out and shakes some one that must have been sleeping, out walks out  VERY attractive boy, i look him up and down but before i realize it i stumble and hit my face on the window, the boy looks over quickly and our eyes meet, i quickly duck, cursing myself for being so damn clumsy, i jump into bed to sleep for an hour or two before 9.

** 9:00** my eyes flutter open, i sit up remembering how embarressing it was for the new neighbors to think i was stalking them, well i wouldent blame then because i kinda was. wow . I drag my self to my bathroom wiping the crust out of my eyes on the way, when i get to my bathroom i brush my teeth and mouthwash, i go to my shower and turn the water on to the desired tempature. i strip and hop in, the shower starting with my orange morning burst and keeping it on while shamppoing my hair with my strawberry shampoo. my favorite, i then wash the face wash and shampoo out of my hair, i put my strawberry conditioner in my hair to make it soft, i then ( keeping in the conditioner ) soap up my body scouling at my stomache at the time, i then quickly shave my legs, and wash the conditioner, soap, and shaving cream off my body. when I get out i brush my hair, and close all my curtains before picking out my daily outfit. i pick out a pink baggy t-shirt and my favorite skinny jeans, i put some deoderant and body spray on and quickly but neatly put black mascara on. I dont use alot of make up because i break out enough as it is. i Then slip into my outfit and scurry down stairs, saying hi to sean ( my moms boyfriend ) and kissing my mom on the cheek and saying hello to brooklynn ( baby sister inside my moms tummy ) i then go to the kitchen get out some vanilla yogurt and cut up strawberrys and eat my breakfast. when im done i thow it into the sink ( not literally ). i run up to my room grabbing my phone and pink penny board and yell to my mom " im going to amanda and samantha's " i send a quick text to the twins, ( amanda and samantha ) that im coming over and throw on my black converse, and run out the door, i look over to the new neighbors house, and smile to the attractive boy and say hi while hes sitting out side on his front porch, and smiles, and waves back saying " The names matthew how aboiut you ? " i yell " kayla,  see you later" i say smiling and penny borading to the twins which live on the next street over. On my way there all i can think about is matthew, and how attractive he is.

** Matthew's p.o.v ** 

I get shooken awake from my sleep and see my mom she tells me we are here at the new place, i wipe the crust out my eyes and grab my bag of charger clothes for pajama's and tomorrow, as im walking to my door, i hear a thud and look over to my neighbors, to see a cute but clearly shy girl bang her head on the window, we make eye contact and she quickly ducks, " okay ? " i think to myself, i walk to my house and walk in admiring the beauty of it, i walk to my new, plain room and go to sleep, i wake up two hours later, 9:00. damn im tired i think to my self, i pull my self out of bed and walk to my bathroom, i shower, washing my hair with mens shampoo, and wash my body, i wash the stuff off, and walk to my room with my towel hung low on my waist. i walk to my room and and blow dry my hair and quiff it like usual, i pull out a pair of boxers, then tan kahki's and and my favorite hoodie, i run down stairs brushig my teeth in the downstairs batthroom, i skip breakfast, and sit on my front porch. i was sitting there for about ten minutes when ihear the neighbors, door open and the beautiful girl from last night stumple out with her phone in one hand and a pink penny boeard in the other.. shes texting quite fast before looking over at me. " shit " i mumble quietly, looking away fast. i hope she dident see me looking, she looks over smiling and waving. before she can leave i quickly yell " the names matthew, how about you ?" she smiles a cute little smile saying " kayla , see ya later " before penny boarding away, ' damn" i think to myself, i think i might like living here more then i though.


Thank you to everyone who actually read down to my authors note. comment, vote share. thank you again.. ill update doon (:

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