Victoria's Oneshot

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It was around 3 am. Victoria was wide awake unable to sleep. She's been like this ever since she could remember, it takes forever for her to fall asleep. She tends to draw when she can't sleep or walk around the house for a few minutes, knowing everyone else was asleep, unlike her. It was one of the only nights in the house where almost everyone was asleep. She got up and left her room, remembering the house she grew up in, her friends and her family and leaving them all behind. She checked the time in Missouri to see if they would be awake.

"Darn it.. it's 4 am there," she muttered, disappointedly putting her phone back on top of her nightstand.

She was feeling upset. She missed her friends now more then ever. All the jokes and laughter... It was all so fun. She sat down on the couch and just thought on and on about her friends. She missed them so much. Her best friends were the people who made her who she was. The people who she could talk to at school. The people who have helped her with her problems throughout the hell hole of 5th and 6th grade. Her friends were kind, amazing, and perfect. She began to tear up while going to get some peppermint water from the fridge. All the memories, her home... It was all long gone, and she couldn't ask somebody to take her. She didn't even have the money for herself either.

Then she remembered how she's with friends who she's told more stuff to then even her closest friends, how much fun THEY'VE HAD. How crazy it all is, how amazing it's been since she's moved in. How it all even started cheered her up, the craziness being the best part. She loves every part of this and misses her old friends at the same time. A beautiful harmony of the past and present. After realizing how late it was, she went back to her room to try and sleep yet again.


A/N: This oneshot was written by Victoria, one of the characters in this book. I believe she did an amazing job. Thank you for letting me post this, dear! I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day.

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