Why is it You?

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" = whispers
*= head thoughts
( ) = author narrating

Ms. Bustier: Alright class I am assigning you an art project.
Chloe: Ugh why art?! I have no talent nor care for it.
Ms. Bustier: I will be selecting your partners this time.
Chloe: *Wait, I need to get Sabrina. She is the only person who likes me!* Ms.Bustier may I request a partner? *I don't want anyone else...*
Ms. Bustier: I'm sorry Ms. Bourgeois, that would be considered favoritism. Now now I'll be announcing your partners shortly.
Chloe: *Oh great i am definitely looking forward to this..*
Ms.Bustier in the background: Sabrina and Max.... Adrien and Marinette...Alya and Nino....
Chloe: *hold up is this some ship matchmaking shit?!* "I guess I'll be alone for this project"
Ms.Bustier: Chloe did you hear what I just said? Can someone please tap Chloe to wake her??
Chloe: *I guess I closed my eyes for a bit because I felt someone tap my shoulder, I was startled by the sudden touch so I jumped a little.
Y-yes Ms. Bustier?
Ms.Bustier: You are partnered with ......
Chloe: Wait did I hear that correctly...?
Ms.Bustier: Yes, Nathaniel.
Chloe: *I decided not to fight her on it, seeing as Sabrina was definitely excited to be partnered with her new boyfriend. It must be nice I wonder.* "I've been a bitch for so long I forgot how it felt to like someone or to know someone likes me. I always thought Adrien was the guy for me. I was gravely mistaken I lost him to Marinette, I can't even argue because he chose a great girl. Even though it pains me to say that."
Ms. Bustier: Alright ladies and gentlemen please meet with your partners on your own time and turn the project in by next week.
Chloe: Wow I don't feel well at all...first Nathaniel, the guy I have bullied forever and probably still has not forgiven me, is my partner and now my stomach is hurting like crazy.
(Nathaniel groans in his seat when he hears the name).
Nathaniel: Why Chloe? I don't hate her that much, but she'll probably make me do all the work *sigh*
*I walked over to her desk and slowly realize she is leaning on her desk......... in pain maybe ? She doesn't seem to be okay? I decide to tap her shoulder*
Hey Chloe.... Are you okay?
Chloe: *I hear Nathaniel, but my vision gets blurry and the pain is too much, I feel myself turn to him and everything turns black.*
Nathaniel: *She turns and passes out, I catch her quickly and yell her name* Chloe! Chloe can you hear me?!
Chloe: Nath....an..iel
Chloe: *I wake up to find myself in the school infirmary.* What happened...?
Nathaniel: Chloe are you okay? You passed out in class so I brought you here!
Chloe: Why did you bring me? You didn't have to bother with me. I'm not a person who deserves your kindness..(she says with a painful smile).
Nathaniel: I brought you here because you passed out and was worried because of your painful expression. (he goes to the side of the bed and sits on the chair beside it to face her).
Look Chloe, you have no idea the scary thoughts I had in my head as I brought you here..
Chloe: Why? It doesn't make sense?! I bullied you, I hurt you countless times, why aren't you wishing I was dead?! Why aren't you happy that I'm in pain right now?! Why are you being so nice to me ?! (she starts to cry..)
Nathaniel: Trust me I had these thoughts all the time. You hurt me yes, but as I stumbled upon your truth I was shocked. You are as lonely as I am. You did it to distance yourself from others, not because you hated us. I wasn't too happy we were partners, but somehow I didn't hate it.
Chloe: Stop, don't be nice to me, I don't deserve it. I don't want to get hurt again.
Nathaniel: Hurt? How?
Chloe: I don't want to wish you kept being nice, I don't want to be hopeful. I don't want us to be friends or comrades, I don't want to be the only one who cares. I can't take it.
Nathaniel: Stop. (He pats her head and wipes her tears. As this happens their faces are close up and she stares in his eyes).
Chloe: *He has such a kind heart. I can't explain this feeling. I don't want it to go away.*
Nathaniel: Well class ended a while ago, so I'll let you relax and breathe.
(Chloe grabs his arm)
Chloe: No please don't leave me....! I don't want to be alone.
Nathaniel: But the nurse is here.
Chloe:..... I want you!!
Nathaniel: *blushes* W-what do you mean?
(Chloe lets go of his hand and blushes)
Chloe: I-I'm sorry. I just wanted you to stay so we could talk more. *his arm is scrawny yet strong* If you have to go I understand.
(Nathaniel sits back down and grabs Chloe's hand)
Nathaniel: Not really my parents aren't really around since they both work and my house is too big for one person, so I'm fine staying here to chat-
(Chloe pats his head and pulls him into a hug)
Chloe: I can definitely relate, don't worry, I'm here to listen to you Nathaniel.
(Nathaniel releases the hug and stares at Chloe and then her lips)
Nathaniel: *dammit I want to kiss her*
(Nathaniel swooped and caught her lips.)
Nathaniel: Hey... can i do that again?
Chloe: Are you okay? Did you get hurt? You kissed me-
Nathaniel: Yea because I wanted to. And I want to do it again.
Chloe: *I want him to kiss me again? I nod*
(Nathaniel kisses her again except this time was longer, he thought to himself that her lips were sweet like honey. He laid down on the bed next to her and continued to kiss her. They gasped for air and looked at each other)
Nathaniel: hey, your lips taste like honey.. Which I want more.
(They kissed again and Nathaniel felt himself pull her by her waist. He wanted to keep this body to himself, he wanted to explore it and treasure it.)
Chloe: hey nathaniel... you were my first kiss...
Nathaniel: your first? Guess we have something in common, because you were my first kiss too. Hey chloe.... will you go out with me?
(Chloe had happy tears collect in her eyes and she smiled and hugged him)
Chloe: Yes! (she kissed his cheeks) hey nathaniel... I think i'm past liking you. I'm in love with you.
Nathaniel: I love you too.

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