Chapter 1 Rewritten

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Everyone had an enemy, did they not? 

It was only natural, yet why does it feel so wrong to be enemies with an entire species? 

Yet why was it so right?

Perhaps it was because vampires hated to see big heards of wolves, with dirty paws and fur ruffled by the leaves of the forest running towards them- having no sense of respect when it came to hunting, in their eyes. After all- they were all hunting the same prey, and in a vampires eyes, that was quite the offensive and disgusting act.

For werewolves however, that was completely normal. They all relied on each other, and if things were rough with prey, they would go for more dangerous fellows- which is a category that vampires were sorted into. And because of their powerful stance, they just had to rely on each other as normal, all teaming up on the same prey to bring home back to camp- hoping that not too many would die by the one prey who bit back.

So in a sense, vampires and werewolves were rather different, and not just by their sight of hunting, of course.

Werewolves would always be weak without their pack- well, of course, there were loners who had learned to survive the hard way, always having their hands dirty and knowing how to get fresh waters, but for a pup that had grown into a camp filled with those of themselves, living a life suddenly alone would be quite the hard task. 

They would never really feel like themselves.

That was one thing different with vampires- they were strong. Of course, werewolves were strong, it was not a sense of a competition in that matter, they both would win if they were put to their greatest potentials- but a vampire would easily survive alone. It wouldn't mind being left alone.

Don't worry,

It's used to it.


" You're not welcome here any longer, "

The words rang in his ears- a loud but gruff voice speaking clearly through the camp, his words stinging and pronounciation scarely perfected. His black fur was nearly a warm brown in the sunlight bathing his big figure, his posture intimidating upon that big rock and his teeth nearly glistened in the air- ready to snap for any flesh that might come in it's way. 

It was scary. Multiple howls surrounding him, fogging his brain in nothing but madness- nothing else to focus onto but those loud and clear echoes of wolves agreeing with one another, howling towards the bright and infinite sky. Katsuki didn't even notice the fangs that were snapping only centimeters away from his tail, his crimson red eyes fixated onto nothing else but his previous leader staring down at him- powerful and unfaced. But the ash-blonde was not unfaced, not at all. His blood had nearly frozen to ice, his veins feeling cold and lifeless, his fur suddenly not warming his big and muscular body no longer. 

He was scared.

He was alone.

In the crowd, a big but rather generous looking wolf, gazed upon his son with sorrowful hazel brown eyes, ears flattened against his head and tail between his legs- a usual posture for that one wolf, but this was a different day, and a different feeling running through him. A grey wolf brushed against him, standing straight by his side with it's head lowered, tired but seemingly also worried light purple eyes fixated onto his brother- the wolf who had taken place as his sibling ever since he was adopted into that small family of caring and trust.

" Fine! " a loud word was clarified from the ash-blonde wolf standing in the spotlight, all gazes upon him- but they were not filled with respect and honesty no longer. Now there was only rage, and that was quite obsurd. 

After all, Katsuki was the one who was angry.

" I do not need any of you dipshits, always standing so mighty but whenever you're alone with me your tail's either wagging or between your legs, " the big wolf clarified, his fangs snapping as he spoke, eyes never wavering away from the man he once had respect towards. The man who had lead him into great battles, fun hunts and relieving training- a man who used to show him the way of life. But Shota was not like that any longer now, was he? The ash-blonde growled lowly, his voice rumbling in his throat as he stared up at those tired eyes- of a born leader. He hoped that the family name of Aizawa's would die out as a revenge.



Desperate for space.

The crimson eyed wolf had began to run, his paws thumping roughly against the stones and mud as he made his way up the slope- what he used to call a home. His fur started to get ruffled by the twigs and leaves, feeling dirt and perhaps other kinds of materials sticking onto him- but he payed that no mind, never stopping to run. 

Familiar scents filled his nose- the scents of his pack. Eijiro, ah, and there was Hitoshi's. Over there was the strong scent of Himiko who had just renewed the border this morning. Would he really never have those comforting and familiar scents fill his nose again? It was a hurtful truth, but the truth nonetheless, and that was just life. He had always known that the world was cruel, but to think that he would be thrown out of the home he had himself helped to keep alive, was just a wrong-doing, was it not?

Katsuki did not realize how tired his body had began to become, nor how the sun was starting to settle- only being able to hear his own desperate pants for air and the rustle of the autumn leaves crushing underneath his paws. But of course, a body could only tolerate so much, and the ash-blonde man yelped loudly in the feeling of both pain and surprise as his form of a big wolf vanished and turned into a man- stepping wrong and falling down the hill. Stones and pebbles hit him during his downfall, pained grunting noises leaving his throat as his body rolled and thumped against bigger rocks, eventually flopping down by the base and into a tree as a halt.

His whole body was pained, exhausted- his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed as he tried to regain his composure, opening his eyes only to be met with a blurry sight of the high point he had just previously fallen off from.

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