Chapter: 1 Disaster

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"Logan, wake up" said another one of the Marines on the submarine, "we're almost at the LZ, so get your gear and get up." "Alright I'm up, I'm up" Logan said, stretching "where's my stuff?" "You better find it' the Marine said "I think I saw it in your bunk, hurry up." Logan got up and walked to his bunk. To his surprise, his stuff was neatly stacked, his gun was leaned against the bunk, and the ammo clips were in his vest pouches, and the vest was laid out neatly on the bed. He quickly put his vest on and grabbed the gun.

This is odd, he thought. Suddenly there was a loud CRASH and Logan fell over. "We are being attacked" the announcement said, "This is not a drill, repeat this is not a drill". Logan ran to see if any of the other Marines were alive and functional. He saw a few Marines trying to open the submarine door to get out. He quickly ran over to help, "Alcatraz, let me give you a hand" Logan said as he knelt over to open the door. The door was successfully opened and he stayed back to see if there were any other Marines that were trapped in the submarine. He looked and there were either dead Marines or there was nothing. He ran back to the door when he heard a Marine yell, so Logan went to find him. The Marine was stuck under some metal that had collapsed in the blast. "Let me get that off of you" Logan said, pushing metal chunks off of the Marine.

Logan helped the Marine get out of the rubble. "Thanks" the Marine said. "Let's go" Logan said, as they ran to the door and swam out of the heavily damaged submarine. When they got to the surface of the water, they saw their comrades' dead. Logan and the Marine swam to the harbor and collected whatever resources they could find like, weapons, ammo, and explosives. Logan turned and saw a man with a heavy chain gun firing at a ship. The man was in some kind of futuristic armor.

The man threw the chain gun down and turned to find one of the Marines, Alcatraz, floating in the water and, surprisingly, alive. "Alcatraz, that's your name?" he asked, "Alcatraz, destiny's a bitch, huh" The man lifted Alcatraz out of the water, and dragged him off. "Who was that?" the Marine asked. "I don't know" Logan said, "but he has Alcatraz and we need to find him" Logan and the Marine followed the man into a warehouse where the man laid Alcatraz on the ground. The man took off the armor and put it on Alcatraz.

All Logan and the Marine heard from the man was, "They used to call me Prophet, remember me" and the man shot himself. Logan and the Marine ran into the room when they heard the gunshot and they found both the man and Alcatraz lying on the ground. They ran over to Alcatraz and checked him for a pulse. "He's alive" Logan said to the Marine, "let's stay with him until he wakes up." Logan and the Marine sat over on the wall next to Alcatraz. "What's your name?" Logan asked. "I'm Colin, and you are?" "I'm Logan" he said, "apparently the three of us are the only survivors" "We need rest" Colin said, lying down, "you need rest too"

Colin and Logan fell asleep while leaning against the wall. They were asleep for what felt like days but was really an hour. They awoke to gunshots that were outside of the warehouse. Logan and Colin got up and found that Alcatraz was gone. They went outside and found two dead C.E.L.L. soldiers on the ground. One had his neck snapped to where his head was backwards, the other had bullet holes in his head, neck, and chest. Logan and Colin went over to the building that resembled a castle wall. They found more bodies in the castle.

Colin went over to collect the weapons and ammo. The weapons were still full of ammo. "They didn't fire a single shot" Colin said, collecting the supplies, "Alcatraz was never very quiet though" "The suit" Logan said, "the suit must have given him some kind of cloaking to where he was completely invisible" They climbed the castle wall and saw someone in the suit sprinting. Logan and Colin yelled out "Alcatraz". Alcatraz stopped and looked around for the source of the sound. He saw Logan and Colin sprinting over to him.

Alcatraz looked over at them and ran off. Logan and Colin stopped sprinting and stood there for a minute, panting. "Dammit" Colin said, "did he not recognize us?" "I don't know" Logan said, "let's go find him". Logan and Colin went to find Alcatraz. Unfortunately, they had to go through the C.E.L.L. base. This made things look grim.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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