Rainy day

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This is based of season 4 jughead is at stonewall prep and the cooper/jones are living together
Betty's POV
it was 11:45
I just woke up I was so excited to wake up to juggy being home he usually gets home at 10:00 but I slept late
J: good morning betts it took you long enough to wake up
B: ( in her mind ) I wanted to scream juggy but I couldn't in front of our parents Jb and Charles they'd think I'm a 3 year old so I walked up to him and hugged him tightly
Fp looked at us in awe
My mom gave me a look and I just ignored her Jb also just woke up cause me and her were up all night singing into the unknown ( I know random I just think it's cute and they need to be closer )
J: so what took you to so long to get up?
Jb: we were up all night singing into the unknown
J: really? Both of you? Together?
Jb: yea?....what's the big deal
J: oh nothing I just like to see my girlfriend and sister getting along it makes me happy that's all
I smile at him
1 hour later me and jug were in bed cuddling till he got a call
B: what is it juggy?
J: the serpents need me I gotta go
B: ( in a sad baby voice ) no why you can't leave me I'm on my period
J: I know I'm sorry betts I have to go
He kissed me on the check and left
I sat there for ever doing nothing I was so bored without him till my mom walked in
A: hey sweetie why are you just sitting her staring at the wall?
B: no reason
A: oh come on tell me I know there's a reason
B: well it's cause jug just left me here by myself and I missed him and now I'm bored
A: were'd he go?
B: some where with the serpents
A: oh that must have been we're Fp went you'll be fine Elizabeth it's not like he's not coming back
Jughead's POV
I've been gone for about an hour I was at the white worm with my dad sweet pea and fangs till I got a call it was betty
(On the phone )
B: ( half way sobbing ) juggy
J: hey betts what? What's the matter are you ok?
My dad walked up to me concerned
B: I - I need you you just left me here I missed you so much and know your gone again it's like I never see you anymore ( sniffs )
J: oh betts ok ok I'll be home in ten minutes ok?
B: yea ok ( sniffs )
J: ok by stay put
B: ok I will bye bye
Call ends
F: everything alright?
J: yea I gotta go Betty's at home sobbing for me
F: ( chuckles ) awe ok
F: wait aren't I your ride I can't leave yet
J: dad please for your son I told her I'd be home in ten minutes and I wanna stop at the store to
F: ok fine the store? Why?
J: to get betty some red velvet cupcakes
F: aww ok fine
( they leave )
Betty's POV
I hear someone open the door downstairs and I run downstairs and I see juggie standing there with red velvet cupcakes
I gasp I love them I grab his hand and take him up stairs we sit in bed and watch a movie me eating cupcakes making a mess on his computer
In the movie the people got married and had kids and it made me think
B: juggy?
J: yea betts
B: do you ever wanna get married?
J: yes betty of course i do!
B: really what about have kids?
J: yes but only with you
They kiss passionately and little did they know that Alice and Fp were listening to there conversation though the door

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