Someone like you

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I walk over to Landon and see him pressed up against that slut Jodie. I yank him off her and punch him in the face.
"Ow mother fucker!" he shouts cupping his face. Jodie smirks at me as if saying haha bitch I got him so I bitch slapped her a crossed her face. By then a crowd had gathered around us.
"You bitch!" she squeals.
"At least I'm not a fucking shanky ass hoe who can't keep her fucking legs closed for two seconds! Yeah. I'm a bitch. I embrace it." I say and go to walk away.
"Short ass mother fucker." she mumbles under her breath. Everyone in the crowd 'oooooooh's and I turn around slowly. I punch her directly in her nose hearing a crack.
"I might be short but short girls are mean as fuck. I'm proud to be short, im a fucking violent ass midget. Oh and by the way.." I say and walk over to her boyfriend and kiss him. i look back at her over my shoulder and flip my pink hair.
"Fuck you. Dumb ass hoe." i hiss and storm out of the party.
"Stupid mother fuckers think their all that. I'll take 'em down a peg you just watch. Those motherfuckers don't know what they've started. I don't fucking know what Landon thinks I'm gonna do. Start fucking singing 'someone like you' and then crawl back to him later? ha ha. Don't think so. Dumb ass hoe." I mutter under my breath walking down the sidewalk. I hear someone following me so I quickly smell my breath.
"Shit. If it's a cop im SOOO not passing the breathalyzer test." i mutter and walk faster. The footsteps walk faster too.
"Fuck. This isn't the po-po. Oh god I'm so screwed right now." I whisper. My phone rings and I jump screaming. I swear I heard a chuckle come from behind me. I answer the phone and get greeted by yelling.
"Thanks bae. I'm not in the mood right now though Hun.."
"....are you high?"
"High off Darien." she mutters and I hear a chuckle again.
"Woah woah woah Dariens there?? put him on the damn phone!" I hear muttering and then Darien screams in my ear.
"Why didn't you call me yesterday you bitch?"
"sleeping? who the fuck does that?"
"Is it loud there or somethin?"
"your screaming in my damn ear. You know I'm just gonna make your life tomorrow a living hell cause your gonna have a hell of a hangover.
"well. Anyways gotta go. LOVE YOU BITCHES!" I shout. They shout back the same and hang up. I shake my head and laugh to myself. Gotta love 'em. I hear someone sigh behind me and then next thing I know I'm being carried off. We are moving at an incredible speed. I look up at the guy and giggle to myself. He reminds me of Landon, but cuter. He looks down at me questioning.
"Guess I just found my 'someone like you'"

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