Wesker Wants Some Chicken Nuggies

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Shortly after Wesker kidnapped Jill, he craved some chmicken nuggs. Jill was in the basement playing Farming Simulator 2012 when Wesker kicked down the door.  "Jill! Where the hell are my chicken nugget dinosaurs?!" Wesker shouted. I think Chris took them"Jill replied, not looking away from her farming game.  "CHRIIIIIIISSSS!!!" Wesker ran out of the house and found Chris sitting in the road eating Wesker's chicken nugget dinosaurs. Wesker then summoned his stand Shigeru Miamoto and beat the crap out of Chris. Then Gabe Newell came out of the Tardis and made it rain chicken nugget dinosaurs. Wesker was very happy. Then DIO appeared and killed everyone.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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Albert Wesker wants some chicken nuggiesWhere stories live. Discover now