[28] Day one

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It has been a month since I got out of hospital, and there I was standing among ranks of soldiers in uniform in the middle of a supersized hanger. Apparently this hanger was part of a secret air base used during the Shadow Wars, and was located somewhere on the outskirts of Ayre. I had been blindfolded on the way in, but I can always check with Rin to be certain.

"Over the past one month, the rebels have conducted 14 terrorist attacks within the borders of the Hundred Kingdoms." Rojin said as he walked back and forth with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Their hideout is now confirmed to be located within Rochan's pass. Soul Steel, the S rank criminal is believed to have sided with the rebels. Men, this will not be an easy fight. Many of you may lose your lives. There is no good sugar coating the fact, in a battle, people die."

He paused for a moment before he continued.

"Men, I know you have all come from different nations all over the world, but regardless of your personal belief and religion I ask you all a personal favour; stay alive. As your commander, it is my duty to see all of you return alive. All of you are the most valuable and irreplaceable strength of the nation."
He paused and adjusted his glasses;

"Stay alive. And that is you're first and final order!"

The soldiers around looked up and stood a little taller.

"MEN! MOVE OUT!" Rojin planted his sheath on the ground and saluted.

"YES SIR!" we shouted in one union and returned the salute.

"Then I officially announce, operation Cold Steel II, start!"


The helicopter ride took about 8 hours as we landed on an empty airfield near Rochan's pass. When we arrived, the sun was already dyed crimson.

"I want the camp set up before dusk, or else you are all dead meat! Dismissed!" Isa barked out orders.

"Yes sir!" I saluted in one union with the rest of the squad, then went on my way.

"Fresh meat." Isa voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Yes sir?" I slowly turned around.

"Listen clearly, I want you to respect your peers, especially your elderly peers. They been through more, and never engage in a fight with them. Do you understand fresh meat?"

I understood that well enough. If it had been anyone besides Isa who said it, I would have just called them annoying. But I held back, since I wanted to keep my tongue.

"Yes sir."

"Now go fresh meat." She said, her expression unreadable.

I saluted then turned and ran to catch up with the rest of the squad.


It was morning, the sun was cold, but bright.

"You!" Isa pointed to one of the soldiers, "go check and set up the kitchen supplies!"

"Yes sir!" he saluted, then ran off.

"You!" Isa pointed to another person, "go see if the tires for the keep are inflated!"

"Yes sir!" he saluted, then ran off.

"You, you, you and you!" Isa pointed at several more people as if counting numbers, "I want the four of you to unload the crates from the helicopter and bring them here."

"Anything for you babe!"

We all turned our heads towards the owner of the voice. He appeared to be in his early twenties and stood about 7ft tall. He had a strong muscular build, bright red hair spouting from his head like fire and wore a white bandana wrapped around his forehead. He wore the same green camo coat and pants that I did, along with same black combat boots, everything was the same, expect everything about him was super sized.

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