Narancia X Reader ~ Tiny

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BG noise is a stand i came up with 😅 its ability is to mainly track other known people and can paralyze them temporarily if the user is within 4 meters to the stand.

Your POV-


Bruno had set Narancia and I out to go run some errands after receiving the order from the boss to watch over Trish- she seemed pretty needy- Complaining about wanting mineral water and new makeup. I'm not big into makeup but gladly I was there to help out Narancia with the makeup she requested.

The boy decided to go pull up the car while I went to the next store over to surprise him with some sweets- I bought a few macaroons, had them sealed in a bag and returned outside, and waited.

I glanced at my watch- five minutes passed, he definitely should have returned now.

Oh god- something better have not happened to the cinnamon roll-

I paced frantically down the sidewalk turning down another street- I was lost- Shit...

"Narancia!" I yelled, feeling hopeless. I continued pacing down the street until I finally found a person.

"Hey, uh, have you seen a messy black haired boy with an orange headband around?"

"Nope," The stranger shrugged.

Starting to shake, I called out my stand, BG noise.

The bird like stand looked at me. "Find Narancia for me, please,"

"Got it," I watched as it flew up and disappeared, shakily, I continued to look, it wasn't until another five minutes my stand returned.

"Found him."

"Thank you," I smiled happily, following my stand as it lead me back down the street and a different way. I immediately noticed the car- it was badly damaged- "Where is he?!" It pointed to a man bent down on he sidewalk- crushing something.

"Narancia?" I called out and the man stopped briefly and looked over at me before going back to whatever he was crushing. I hesitantly approached, when I got close enough, the man turned around, holding a miniature Narancia in his hand who squirmed in his hand- looking at me with eyes full of despair.

"Tell me where the Boss's daughter is or he dies," The man said, strengthening his grip on him.

The tiny version of the muscular boy yelped in pain, making me wince.

"Please give him to me- and maybe I will give you a little hint," I smiled awkwardly,
having BG noise paralyze his arms and legs while he was focused on me.

"Why you little-" I saw the confusion in his face and while he was distracted I grabbed Narancia from his grip which had loosened.

"Neither you nor your stand can move now," I said smugly as Narancia climbed onto my shoulder, hugging my neck.

"Y/N- the car is going to blow- we should get out of here," Narancia yelled tugging on my hair.


"Unfreeze him,"

"No- it's too dangerous-"

The tiny black haired boy touched my cheek. "Do you want me to be like this?"

Not gonna lie- he was pretty cute like this-

BG noise unfroze him as we backed away from the vehicle and it exploded. The explosion knocking me back- I landed on Narancia- now back to his normal size. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "Is it over?" He mumbled into my shoulder.

I watched as the man disappeared- blood putting out the fire. "No- He- He's gone!" I yelped.

Narancia and I both got up. "Aerosmith..." Before I knew what was happening- the whole street was up in flames. Suddenly the man came limping out. "Stay back Y/N, I don't want you getting hurt," He suddenly pushed me to the ground already not having the best balance I slipped and fell back, BG noise catching me. Suddenly, it lifted me up with its large wings and carried me up onto the roof of a building above before setting me down and sitting next to me.

"Don't want to upset Narancia," The stand said.


"Did you not see the guy? He is clearly going to die,"

I nodded, watching it unfold- Narancia seeming to easily kill him with Aerosmith before looking around trying to find you. "BG?" I asked.

My stand picked me up again and glided me down to where the boy stood before disappearing. "You did it," I smiled, embracing him.

"I mean, of course I did," I could feel his grin.

"Man, it would be cool though if you had stayed tiny- I could bring you with me everywhere," I giggled. "Plus you were even cuter,"

"Cuter?" He pouted, pulling away.

"I'm kidding! You're always adorable and always will be!"

He suddenly embraced you- putting his lips to yours- you kissed him back. it was nice and soft.

"I love you Y/N,"

"I love you too, just a bit more when you're tiny though,"

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