Why do we punish the victims
The future victims
The girls
For what we don't teach others
What we don't teach our kids
What we don't teach the people that hurt us
The girls are always being punished
We have to dress a certain way
Act a certain way
Post certain things
Do this not that
Act this way not that way
But why can't we teach people right and wrong
Why can't we teach the difference between yes and no
Between good touch and bad touch
Why can't we teach them to listen
Why can't we teach them what constent is
Not teach what you can and can't wear
That shouldn't be todays world
We shouldn't punsh what is not someone'f fault
We should be teaching
So we can try to avoid this
Theses girls didn't nothing wrong
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time
Talking to the wrong people
Put in the wrong family
Trusting the wrong people
It is not there fault
Lost and Found
PoetryA collection of poems talking about sexual assult, death, mental heath and so so much more. These are all my stories from my eyes while going through events. Not all are in order but in the order that I thought would be best for me. Writting and rel...