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monday 3rd january, 8:12
i had the biggest headache. yesterday was wild. i mean - new years eve is always wild, but having to go to university the day after can really be invented as a new torture method.

i put my airpods in and started shuffling my music.
______________<< || >>_______________
blinding lights
the weeknd

i went to the last row and grabbed myself the chair. all of a sudden another force grabbed for the same chair. my eyes wandered upon the hand to the belonging face. it was the handsome face of kim taehyung.

 it was the handsome face of kim taehyung

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i rolled my eyes back. we both looked down on each other and back into our eyes. "so, are you gonna leave?" i was actually so fed up by him thinking he ruled the university just because his mom was the manager of Kim Konkrets Cosmetics.

i was too tired to use all my energy and have an argument with taehyung, so i just let go and took the chair one row in front of him. another win for taehyung and another loss for me. that was not my first confrontation with him, but at least he would leave me alone and didn't continue provoking me.

we both didn't like each other at all and we both also had our reasons. i didn't like him because he'd always pretend he'd be the big money maker and push people around like they were nothing and he didn't like me because i was just like everyone. the fuck?

the class almost ended and my stomach grumbled. as the bell rang i got up and went outside to eat my kimchi roll. i searched for a good spot to sit down and found one under a small birch since our hallways were built outside of the class rooms.

i didn't even have my first bite before someone interrupted me again. this time it was a happier interruption. it was my bestfriend park jimin.

 it was my bestfriend park jimin

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"laehyun-ssi". a bright smile was waiting for me as my eyes traveled away from my kimchi roll up to jimins big puppy eyes which were shining brighter then taehyung's diamond necklace saying loco for dollas. so fetch.

"jimin-ssi". i smiled back as he suddenly grabbed for my kimchi roll and took a big bite out of it. i slid a little bit to the side so he could sit down next to me. "how was your first class in the new decade?" he asked me while chewing the rest of my kimchi roll. i raised both my brows and shook my head. jimin gave me a side look and came closer.

"not good?" he asked with a serious undertone. i shook my head again and looked onto the floor. "w-what happend?" he asked me while almost choking on some kimchi in his throat. "actually nothing bad happened but there's this guy in my class. kim tae-". i wasn't able to finish my sentence because right in that moment some pearly white air forces stood in front of me belonging to no one else then taehyung.

i took a deep breath and sighed. "what do you want?" i said while still looking on the floor. "you know what i want, jeon laehyun." he said.

"no i do NOT know what you want otherwise i wouldn't ask you, would i?" i said and raised my head so i could see his sneaky smile on his face. "you decided to become braver this decade, didn't you?" he asked while his homies in the back crossed their arms like security guards.

"actually, i'm just annoyed of your behavior and of yourself thinking that you could push people around like that because your mommey has the money." his smile slowly faded and he bent down on his knees so he could be at the same height as me. "listen, i usually don't threat people, but i'll make an exception for you: don't try to get in my way with anything, okey? otherwise we'll have another "talk". got it?"

who does he think he is? does he really think he could impress me like this or that i'll just shut up and leave like everyone else? no sir, this is not gonna be happening. "okey but you listen: i don't care about you neither one of your gorillas behind your back so don't worry. i won't come across anything you taehyung." i smiled, grabbed jimin by his coat, stood up and left.

i could just see taehyung still being there on his knees staring onto an empty space on the bench now and his homies watching after me. "what the hell -" jimin said while i still grabbed onto his coat. "oh, that's why my first wasn't good. because mr. kim taehyung had to find out if he could start a long lasting argument with me - but no. not this decade." jimin swallowed and started following me by himself so i could let go of his coat.

the rest of the day passed by actually calm and so i could go home in peace. little did i know. on the way to my locker i stopped at the drink water fountain so i could just refresh myself for a second and think clear. as i went to the drink water fountain i saw that i wasn't alone. a black suitcase leaned among the wall in front of the fountain. i didn't mind so i carried on drinking and splashing some water on my face.

suddenly door of the boys' restroom next to the water fountain opened and none other than kim taehyung could've came out, grabbing the suitcase. i decided to hurry up so i couldn't "get into his way" as he earlier tried to make clear. before i could and leave, a big hand slapped onto the fountain and closed the cap. "what the fuck?" i asked him and raised one brow.

"i see what your trying, laehyun. i really see it." taehyung said while slowely moving further towards me. i moved into the other direction trying to avoid any physical contact. "see what-" i asked. he just laughed and looked to the side, still moving towards me. suddenly i felt a cold wall on my back. i reached the wall behind the fountain but taehyung still came closer and finally pushed one arm right next to my face onto the wall.

"don't test my patience okey? and i'll leave you alone.." he said while clenching his jaw. i took a deep breath but then i saw jimin running into my direction. "laehyun, how much time do you need?? the bus is leaving soon. i'm hungry, hurry up!" i forgot that we would go home together after classes. i turned my head back into taehyung's direction and looked deep into his eyes. "i'm coming jimin!" i said while still staring at taehyung. then i slid to the side, leaving him in the same position again just like earlier this morning and ran to jimin who already waited in the hallway.

"what took you so long?" jimin asked with a raised brow. i slightly cleared my throat and opened one button of my blouse since our university was really good heated. "i also went to the restroom and i just - i didn't know if i should part my hair in the middle or to the side." jimin gave me a confused look. "first of all: classes are over, second of all: you look good with both and third of all: can we please go now? i am literally starving." i nodded and we both walked down the hallway. as we left the hallway, i only saw taehyung placing both hands onto the fountain letting his head down.

he should know by now that i no longer follow his stupid little games.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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