I guess I'm no good so goodbye

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Why does she hate me

I did this for her.

I wanted nothing more to protect her and be there for her

Now I'm just her footstool I'm nothing to her.

No not anymore

This is me Crescent Rose

What you were expecting the scythe

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What you were expecting the scythe. Not anymore well not right now that is. You see after the whole ordeal with the stopping the White Fang and Roman with their tunnel plan.

One starry night I made a wish. It was simple I wished to protect my wielder Ruby Rose so I could always be by her side to protect. I love her and I'd even die for her

My wish it came true I was now a human. It was kinda cool I mean having arms and legs took some time but I didn't care all I knew was I will always be there to protect Ruby

However my wish was more of a curse. For at first glance she didn't recognize me so I transformed for her. I thought she'd be impressed but I guess I asked for to much. She hated me, her friends, her teammates hated me

I thought she would appreciate me being there for her. I guess I meant nothing to her. It started off with small things like glaring at me, sitting away from me at lunch, and excluding me from events

But after a few weeks it began to become physical. They emotionally abused me, they physically abused me, they ridiculed me, they shunned me

Practically everyone in Beacon shunned me, even sweet Velvet of all people. Why, why  do they hate me

1 year later

During my time as a human I discovered somethingd about the human body.

First did you know they can bleed. Huh I lost so much blood when Yang got angry at me which was alot.

Did you know you need food to survive. Huh I figured that out Everytime Cardin would knock my food on the floor and people just stood there and laughed

It was tough being a Humanized weapon. The only reason she keeps me around because of missions and training. Other than that I'm nothing

Its been a few weeks since our last mission and well as usual  if they had nothing to do they'd beat me to relieve stress and any built up tension

I got used to it after all I deserved it. I was heading back to Team RWBY's dorm after having detention with Ports all for falling asleep in his boring class

As I opened the door to the dorm my eyes blared of shock. Ruby Rose the love of my life and my wielder having sex with JAUNE OF ALL PEOPLE.

I closed the door and fell down crying. Another fact of humans is that they cry over sad events. I used to cry in the past but I thought I lost all feeling of love and sadness in my soul but I guess I still had it tucked away somewhere

Pyrrha didn't take the news of Jaune and Ruby being a couple very kindly so guess who she took her frustrations out on

Huh you'd think Ozpin or any staff would stop this. But I guess no one has time for a nuisance like me. I always knew I needed another reason to hate myself

2 weeks later

Here I am again alone bloodied,bruised and holding onto life I'm surprised Oum hasn't gotten tired of me and just killed me to end my suffering

But I guess he wants me to suffer more. I watched as my tormentors were off celebrating something without me as usual

I had to force myself to head back. As much as I'm in pain I'm still Ruby's weapon whether she appreciates me or not

As I headed back I saw the hatred looks of people as I walked into the school to my dorm

"It's the freak"

"Why's he still here"

"Guess Ozpin felt sorry for the failure"

"Why can't he do us all a favor and just die"

I tried my best to not let their words get to me but it was no use I let a few tears drop as I finally made it to the dorm

As I opened it saw something that broke me forever

It was Ruby with another scythe and this one looked cooler than my design

Yang: Happy birthday Ruby

Ruby: Yang I love it thanks guys

Weiss: it's much better than that piece of crap you once owned

Ruby: don't worry about that I was gonna sell it anyway

Sell....me....she really hated me that much she was willing to sell me

I couldn't take it any longer so I ran, and I kept running with all the good times of me and Ruby fading away as I started to lose all love and respect for her and Beacon

I made it to the edge of a cliff tears still falling. I looked back to Beacon in the distance and all I could do was glare.

I hated that school, I hated those people, and most of all I.HATE.HER!!!

That spoiled ungrateful b***h

Crescent: you hated me so much that I should die well then consider your wish granted

As I jumped I reflected on my life all I could think of was

Crescent: this is the best choice

As I descended to the bottom blood started to flow as I finally did something I forgot I knew I could do I smiled I was free, free from the abuse, and free from Her

As I closed my eyes for the last time I saw a figure but she looked familiar to me

As I closed my eyes for the last time I saw a figure but she looked familiar to me

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Crescent: Ruby?!

I lost consciousness

Ruby POV

It's all gone Beacon was destroyed, Yang lost her arm, Blake ranaway, Weiss left for Atlas

Worst of all I lost Crescent Rose. I don't what happened I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I treated him that way. Maybe it was fear, or something else but all I knew was I felt guilty for what I did to him

When he disappeared I felt an emptiness in my heart. Like I lost something I loved the most

I had Jaune but he cheated on me with Pyrrha. I felt heartbroken that he betrayed me like that but this made me realize I did the same to Crescent Rose and all I want is for him to come back

Ruby: Crescent where ever you are(sob) I'm so sorry (sob) please forgive me

I'm Just A Weapon (Hated Male Humanized Crescent Rose  x RWBY Harem)Where stories live. Discover now